
Am I doing this pole even close to right?

Am I doing this pole even close to right?

by gwiz112


  1. I got a 60″ “moss pole” aka actually a coconut fiber pole from amazon for fairly cheap and was able to bend it around a bit and tie back the plant. I honestly have no idea what I’m doing but I think its better? I tried to leaf enough space for the new growth that’s still sideways to push up and through towards the light. The rest I tried to pull back towards the center so it’s not quite as bushy and trying to take over my room. Any insight would be great!

  2. Physical_Literature5

    You don’t want to tie individual leaves because they need to be able to move freely to follow the light.

  3. ackwards

    The pole is being used just fine. Creatively in fact. If it’s providing support and shaping the plant the way you want 👍👍

  4. Pink-paws918

    The way that I use the moss pole is by placing it where the aerial roots grow from the stem. I gently tie the stems to the pole to ‘train’ the roots to grow INTO the pole like it would onto large trees in the jungle. It helped SO much with giving my monstera the structure and stability to grow tall. Happy to post photos if you need visuals

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