
I think you’ll enjoy my mother’s hard work!

She has a huge garden and this is like, a third of it. As you can tell, she is quite a fan of gardening.

by fullywokevoiddemon


  1. EJaneFayette

    This is what I aspire to have. So lovely, I can almost hear the happy bumbles buzzing around. The orange flowers are my favorite

  2. HonestLiar90

    What a beautiful paradise for birds, insects and humans. Your mother has a lovely garden 🤍

  3. Global-Being-238

    Very beautiful and natural looking set up!! Your mom definitely has green hands!!

  4. ethereangels

    Your mom did an amazing job! I bet it’s absolute *paradise* for the birds and insects! 💕🌱

  5. Sweet-thyme

    Her columbines are absolutely AMAZING! What a lovely setting.

  6. slowbutsloth

    Wow, so beautiful. Any tips for beginner? Did your mom space each seed or just throw and then thin them when they appear. I am always wonder how people create beautiful flower garden like this.

  7. jamiisaan

    This is amazing. Her hard work is definitely something to be proud of!

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