
Opinions on leaves

This is my first monstera. Just recently repotted her. She has a couple leaves that look like they have been bit in half (bottom left and one towards the middle) I bought this plant this way…can I prune them off and if so can I propagate those stems? Any help would be appreciated.

by earth_air


  1. Physical_Literature5

    You can only propagate with a node just peeling the leaf off isn’t enough. The stems don’t have nodes

  2. inconspicuous_aussie

    I can’t tell what you mean in this picture but if you were to prune the leaves you wouldn’t be able to propagate them as roots do not grow from that part of the plant.
    If you don’t like the look of those leaves, cutting them will not kill the plant.

    If you’d like your newer leaves to be bigger with more fenestrations give it more light. Good luck with your Monstera!

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