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WARNING Declared.. Why Is Everyone WORRIED About APRIL 8 | My Personal Opinion

Hey y’all! What is Happening On April 8th and How it AFFECTS YOU
#themacs #breaking #news #prepping #April #solar #eclipse #survival #prepper #foodshortage #shtf

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so why is everyone talking about April
8th why is everybody worried about it
well today we’re going to discuss just
that talking about the solar eclipse but
in a little bit different fashion the
thing is it could be nothing absolutely
it could be just a beautiful site that
someone hadn’t seen in a while but some
of the preparations and some of the
Declarations we’ve heard it’s what’s
blowing my mind let’s talk about it
today and let’s jump into it and I want
to get your perspective on this and I’m
going to give you mine and we’ll see
what we can come up with today’s video
starts right
Road hey guys welcome to the max thank
you so very much for being here today if
you’re new to the channel go down here
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and it’s a good message to spread across
YouTube so we hope that you will watch
comment let us know what you think and
if you like it give us a thumbs up it
sure does help so today we’re going to
be talking about April 8th there’s a big
solar eclipse that’s supposed to happen
I’m going to show you the pathway right
here now I’ll be honest with you here in
south Mississippi we’ve heard nothing
about this uh and you know we’ve heard
there are solar eclips of course but we
have not heard you know some of the the
things of being overwhelmed and and the
emergencies declare now there’s been
several States and several counties
declare a state of emergency now the
thing is what is being told to us by
places in in Texas places in Oklahoma
and places in Ohio is that what we’re
doing a state of emergency so it allows
us to have more um you know feed on the
ground troops on the ground basically in
a way that we can help with crowds
there’s going to be so many crowds
coming to these small towns and that you
know we just want to make sure that we
can handle the crowd control handle the
traffic okay you know you’re like okay
that that sounds that sounds reasonable
you would think that they you know like
for instance our county has what we call
an emergency management protocol and
local people in local volunteer firemen
they come together and they help with
events like that with tons of Tourism
coming in for some reason therefore them
what happens they handle the
situation but why are all these
Governors and Mayors and and City
administrators wanting National Guard
there now there’s been some speculation
to show that there’s been Specialists
called in for for different um things
that the government does and they’re
saying well we’re going to put them
boots on ground just for safety and
protocol they’re also telling their
people these Mayors these states these
Governors are telling their people it
may be wise to have you know maybe two
weeks worth of food put up and and if
you don’t have that maybe go buy it
because it’s good to prepare because
there’s going to be so many people there
we may not have enough food we may not
have enough restaurants that we may not
have a place enough beds to stay in uh
for this event now have you ever heard
that I mean we’re talking General
tourism a natural phenomenon happening
with uh the solar eclipse so you’re
thinking okay big group of people coming
in to see a beautiful
spectacle but that that usually brings
happiness that usually brings well we
want to prepare for the crowds But
ultimately we’re going to be food trucks
in we’re going to we’re going to make it
big and try to you know Economic
Development and instead they’re almost
doing a precarious warning I mean
there’s been declarations where they
want National Guard at these locals that
could just traffic I could be putting on
just my 10f hat but I want to read you
some of the comments that that have come
out from this from leadership from
representation of people in power uh
there’s one one person that wrote to the
Columbus dish patch Columbus Ohio it
says we’re all going to be overwhelmed
by the amount of emergency planning we
need to embrace the solar eclipse now
listen to that wording that was a direct
quote they’re worried about the the
overwhelmedness that that we’re going to
feel and the people are going to feel by
being here uh there’s another one in uh
Central Texas it says we’re expected to
have some of the best views however
we’re worried about the totality of the
amount of people traveling in and we’re
going to issue a disaster declaration a
disaster declaration people now they’re
saying well that’s just protocol that’s
what we have to say to get the people
here to help us really are we that to a
point where we have to declare a
disaster to have people come in to help
tourism that’s that’s crazy to me some
estimates show that there’s going to be
hundreds of thousands of people
traveling to to come to this area it
says that because of that they’re
wanting to declare and have National
Guards there this is one quote from
Oklahoma National Guard they’re going to
be there for April 8th as a com as a as
Emergency Management just needs their
assistance it says the 22 member now
listen to this now the 22 members of
elite chemical biological radiological
and nuclear units will be housed in
brokenbow in addition to 110 to 150
Oklahoma Highway Patrol officers there
will be 150 First Responders there and
volunteers to help also with the amount
of people now I I want you to listen 22
members of the chemical biological
radiological and nuclear unit will also
be housed with these National Guards and
hway patrolman
I don’t know about you but if I’m
talking tourism crowd control I’m not
thinking I need a nuclear scientist or a
biological scientist there to help with
that crowd control and there’s been
cases where they talked about you know
biblical proportions with the Passover
with the the red heers and um the names
of the towns being Nineveh I mean
there’s a lot there and you can go and
dive deep in that the thing that that
blows my mind though is here on on the
the respect of a prepper if they’re
telling you to buy one or two 2 3 weeks
worth of food just for safety I think
that’s a wise thing to do because we’ve
been trying to preach that for years
here but now we’re starting to see so
many National Guard Moves In what if all
of a sudden it’s just a traffic
situation what if all of a sudden there
is no food in the town because there’s a
shortage because 100,000 people come to
town which I think sa farce could it be
a s maybe could they use the solar
eclipse to all of a sudden bring in a
solar flare could the solar eclipse
truly bring in a solar flare who knows
we’re to a point where we can’t trust
any information that we get now so it
comes down to us in our tenfold hats to
wear to decide what’s best for us and
our family now I’m going to be honest
you I really didn’t think nothing about
it I really didn’t i’ I’ve seen some
YouTubers do the stories on it but the
more I started reading about the fact of
this the the nuclear
biological chemical people for the the
military that’s going to be housed there
too why and it may be for a
justification reason it may there may be
um you know a situation where they’re
worried that the solar eclipse may cause
power outages and there may be you know
a nuclear plant there chemical plant
there I I don’t know I don’t know
anything about that part of
Oklahoma but why is all of the sudden
you’re seeing Texas in Oklahoma and Ohio
and several of those counties declare
emergency before an anything happens
declare a disaster before anything
happens in the name of just getting more
troops wouldn’t you think that those
governors would just say look I I’m over
the the state guard anyway I’m just
going to send extra people there to make
sure that you know everybody has a good
time no we declare it’s emergency and
this is my favorite it’s when they try
to justify it and this is what scares me
the most is when they say oh I’m just
trying to justify it well the
Declaration of of a disaster and
emergency is just for the anticipation
of large crowds increased traffic and
and strain on First Responders and
hospitals we want to make sure that our
people po taken care of this is a once-
in a-lifetime situation and we believe
it will be well attended okay that
sounds great but you declare a disaster
emergency do they know something we
don’t know is it one of those cases
where we’re just believing into it too
much it’s too close to Easter and
Passover and it kind of makes us a
little ah you know jittery I don’t know
here’s what I would say to you no matter
what the situation is here’s the good
things about hearing news first of all I
already have prepper plan if you want to
see the solar Clips that’s awesome great
it probably is an awesome spectacle but
make sure you have some extra food and
water just in case I mean that’s what
they’re saying get some extra food and
water cuz there’s going to be so many
people there make sure you’re fully
gased up in your vehicle make sure you
have some extra gas cans done make sure
you have some extra propane for your
outside cooking if all of a sudden what
they’re saying is true I I just think
that there’s always reasons to prepare
now can you prepare for anything uh to
the extent of you know solar flare and
also puts out EMP blast Maybe not but
that’s what we’ve been preparing for
forever the whole point of being a
prepper and the whole point of living
sustainable is to try to build the
insurance for safety for our families
now does that mean we can prepare for
everything no but the common sense
approach is I’m seeing the news they’re
declaring a disaster just to get troops
there for a tourism event I’ve never
heard of any theme park I’ve never heard
of any parade claiming a
disaster just because they have a a
crowd situation I’ve never heard of a
Super Bowl you know they win the Super
Bowl and they have these big parades yes
the governor just brings an extra people
he doesn’t declare a disaster he just
makes sure there’s people there to help
so I’m a little confused by the wording
here uh uh it may be just a fact that
it’s trying to deter us from thinking
about other news and the bad stuff
that’s going on in the world and make us
focus on something so it could be just a
complete sop or propaganda but the
problem is we don’t know that and so
therefore my challenge to you is always
prepare food safety for your family
water and a good tank of gas if you ever
had to leave these are some good things
to have and I would challenge you do
some research just find out what your
thoughts are on it comment below I mean
is it just a tourism thing if it is then
awesome I think it’d be great and great
economic development for those areas but
it seems like everybody’s not happy
about it it seems like they’re almost
scared about it and that’s what kind of
blows my mind do your research look at
the towns is there anything unique about
the towns that it’s going to be solar
flare going across the United States is
it a big deal I know in Mississippi we
we’ve not heard anything about it it’s
just not a big deal but could be
something to think about it’s always
good to do your research and it’s always
good to prepare and make sure that no
matter what no matter where you’re at
anything can be
used remember any kind of situation can
be used to help promote regulation and
control we’ve seen that so be ready guys
thank you so much for watching let me
know what you think about April 8th is
it a big deal to you or not I want to
hear from you guys thank you for
watching God bless happy hum


  1. It was cloudy in Texas and we had no national guard. It rained and half the people that wanted to come to Texas didn’t arrive

  2. "Here in South Mississippi, we haven't heard of this."

    You hadn't heard about the 13th Amendment until 1995 either…

    I don't need MISSISSIPPI to tell me anything. You know, the state that ranks 50th in education in the US.

  3. You are all insane….its the moon and sun….we are not that important. Past civilizations didnt care about future peoples….why would a civilization 100,000 years ago care about us? Makes no sense at all and you all need help mentally

  4. The day after is here. It was just an eclipse, a naturally occurring natural phenomenon. No magic involved. Just like always.

  5. I’m here from the future I can confirm nothing happened and we still have to work and pay high taxes …

  6. I wish i had found this video before yesterday! I would have made a bet with this fool! At the very least he would be minus one beard right now 😂

  7. Oh what you look at that just like December 21st 2012 and all the other goofy dates, we're all still here. There was nothing to worry about. It was just an eclipse

  8. NOTHING! No troops, no problems – nothing but the event of a lifetime for many folks, including me. I was there, just outside of Dallas. It was great!

  9. Welp, nothing happened. Hope you sleep well at night knowing your monetization comes from fear mongering with no reason behind it.

  10. They are teaching you to be scared and worry. And freak out. Things are gonna happen. But God says fear not. Even if you have nothing. Be blessed.

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