Native Plant Gardening

While I’m waiting for my plants to be delivered, I’ve started another Tallamy/Leopold Library for a different neighborhood.

Far NE Illinois…
The one I installed in my yard has been quite the buzz. I've been given plants and seeds and books from folks that were so thankful.

Had a 15 people show up to a presentation by the local Forest Preserves. Have 5 solid folks that I'm networking with to start delegating out tasks for each of our communities and start to discuss how to take the message to larger audiences and what small steps can we take to get there.

As of Friday I was asked to spearhead a native plant gardening club at my employer and will be getting the Forest Preserves to do a webinar. Best guess is that we will have 20-50 attend that webinar.

I'm at my max capacity. It's ok to find some folks that are better a pieces of the puzzle…for example my cousin is great at propagating plants…has a few hundred in his basement…mostly natives as he believes in the concept. He is now getting involved and wants to be the guy that supplies plants for future neighborhood community plant sales!

Keep up the great work people…it's so great to be able to hop on the phone and scroll and learn something from this group vs the doom scrolling.

by jjmk2014


  1. Capn_2inch

    Damn! You are kicking some ass. This is how true change happens. Getting down to business and getting people involved. Thank you. You are a true leader in the native plant community! Cheers 🍻

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