Backyard Garden

Lawn Care Round Two :: American Landscapes

Here’s a little more information for your second round of lawn care treatment.

hi this is Brian welcome to round two of
your lawn care program I’m going to
share just a little bit about what we’re
going to put into your soil and onto
your grass plants in just a moment but
first just want to remind everybody that
each round that we do is 100% safe for
you for the kids for the pets this next
round our second round will be a liquid
application and so the only thing we
need to do is just make sure once the
technician leaves the lawn that you give
about 30 maybe up to 60 minutes after
the application for it to fully dry this
second application is packed with a lot
of great stuff we include a light
nitrogen feeding nitrogen will help
produce chlorophyll which gives grass
its green color and helps grass feed
itself and produce energy we also
include potassium which assists in
better water and nutrient uptake so it
can withstand some of the various
stressors such as drought and heat round
two also includes several bionutrients
designed to make the soil healthier a
healthy lawn lies underground in the
soil these bios stimulants are so
important they’re going to help the soil
retain more water allow for deeper
stronger Roots a more resilient Turf
with longer lasting color the bio
stimulants provide amino acids to again
enhance Health color and stress
tolerance it’s also going to help pull
out more nutrients from the soil which
is really important here in Southwest
Ohio we have a lot of clay soil where
nutrients get easily bound or trapped in
the clay and so that basically means
they’re not being made available for our
grass plants these are special Hightech
ingredients or Cutting Edge soil
technology it really does help
differentiate our lawn program and from
the other yards in the neighborhood as
far as weeds in Southwest Ohio they are
highly active in late spring and early
summer so we have a custom Blended
herbicide that includes a crab grass
pre-emergent control booster as well as
eliminates any breakthrough crab grass
any broadleaf or other germinating weeds
so what do you the homeowner need to do
very simple just let’s stay off the lawn
for 60 minutes once the technician
leaves if you can in an Ideal World We
delay mowing 1 to 2 days if possible
again we realize you also have to mow as
we move towards Summer make sure your
lawn is receiving one to 1 and 1 12 Ines
of water each week either through Mother
Nature or supplemental watering and then
also mow high and mow often as we get
into the later spring and early summer

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