Native Plant Gardening

Should I remove this privet? NY, USA

Should I remove this privet? NY, USA

by eyeh8myhouse


  1. Mediocre_Park_2042

    I’d trim it hard and leave it for now as a green backdrop to all of the great new planting you’ll do in front of them.

  2. gobbledygucked

    Not sure how invasive it is in NY but here in NC privet is super invasive. I’d remove it personally

  3. itstheavocado

    I’ve got privet in my yard that is literally holding up a crumbling retaining wall which is actually the paved alley behind my house. The road and retaining wall will collapse into my backyard and the city already told me I would be responsible for paying for the repairs :(. It doesn’t make fruit, so I haven’t removed it, but I WOULD IF I COULD. there are soooo many better things you can plant in its stead!!

  4. alriclofgar

    It‘a aggressively invasive in our climate. The previous person at my house planted it along the property lines, and it’s spread EVERYWHERE. The sooner you can contain or eliminate it, the less trouble it’ll give you longterm.

  5. SnooChipmunks529

    Find out if privet is, or soon to be, considered invasive in your state. Evaluate your goals and priorities. Then decide what to do.

    As soon as I found out privet was invasive in our state, our hedge was slated for destruction. However, it had to wait a few years. It was a necessary privacy screen to a very unfriendly neighbor dog which barked ferociously every single time we went into the backyard.

    We also had other invasives and structural garden elements to deal with first. The hedge was removed recently and was replaced with some small evergreens in two key areas and a mix of native shrubs

  6. Environmental_Art852

    It would be a habitat loss. I bet there’s a opossum in there. Lol

  7. Feralpudel

    We got somebody to just yank it out of the ground last fall. If you can hire somebody to do that, it’s extremely satisfying.

  8. bullcitythrowaway0

    Yes! It looks so dated and uninspiring 😴

  9. Weird-Past

    Yes, hopefully before it fruits. They pop up everywhere because the birds spread the berries like crazy. If you need to go a section at a time, I get that but do work on getting it out.

  10. kynocturne

    Should the pope poop in the woods?


    There are these shrubs in a local park that I’ve been thinking were privet and have always been like, “why are they letting these stay here?” ’cause they’re like right along a path like they were planted.

    The other day I finally did a Pl@ntNet ID on them and they’re Coralberry (*Symphoricarpos orbiculatus*).

    I mean, on the one hand this may go to show how good I am at ID’ing things, on the other hand there’s another candidate for you, heh. Berries are beautyberry-esque. Here’s a pic form a few days ago, sans berries:

    Bonus crazy-ass insect I didn’t even notice when I took the picture. What is that thing?

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