San Pedro Cactus

We lost count a long time ago

We lost count a long time ago

by Mantishead2


  1. MRyan824

    Tell me about it 😒 I know I have around 50 just in my rooting bins

  2. notausername86

    Technically, I think I have something like 80 different cactus, maybe a little more? I have 25 cultivars of dragonfruit and close to 20 different cultivars/hybrids of Pacanoi/bridgesii/ Puru, and then I have clones of most of those. Like 8 species of opuntia, several species of cerues. Other random tricos, a few loops, several different types of Mammillaria. A couple handfuls of other epiphyllic cactus. Other random cactus that have cool spines and/or shape that I don’t actually know the species name. A few that I never found out what they were cus they were freebies/given to me. I also have several euphorbia, and tons of random other succulents. On top of a bunch of food crops /herbs.

    Maybe I have a problem… lol

  3. Sensii420

    I started 6 months or so ago, and I don’t know how many I have

  4. bobcollege

    Does every cutting of pereskiopsis count?

  5. CurtisMarauderZ

    I’ve got two shelves, a large coffee table and a large starter tray.

  6. Vibesforsure

    Does anyone walk around aimlessly in their backyard planning how you can fit more or build something to fit more? Or acquire more/better sun? Or make them more comfy? I think im ill

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