
Some of my favorites from the Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society spring show and sale

Some of my favorites from the Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society spring show and sale

by stickersforthought


  1. That purple gymno in the black pot. Beautiful.

  2. TrixieTopKitty

    😯Omg!!! You’re so lucky that you got to go there! I’m in the UK, I’m not sure if we even have anything like this. Id totally go.

    I have no real life friends that even think my collection is pretty let alone actually want to talk about Cacti and all the joys that come with them!
    Those beautiful green babies are beyond stunning… they’re Magnificent!! I can’t choose a favourite! Wow! 🌵💕

  3. Philophosy

    Wow, wow, wow!

    Every single one of them is amazing.

    Some of those myriostigma, the Obregonia, the staging of the Escobaria… But my favorite has to be the Discocactus horstii. What a perfect presentation for such a spectacular little cactus.

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