Vegetable Gardening

Better late than never

I know it’s late in the year, but I’ve never tried growing from seeds before. So I thought I’d give it a try. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Sugar snap peas
Green beans
Butternut squash
Bell peppers

by underhill_35


  1. NPKzone8a

    If nothing else, it will be a valuable learning experience.

    What is your proposed time table for these seeds? If they take a week or 10 days to germinate and a month or so to grow tall enough to pot up from these egg cartons to small nursery pots and another month there to get big enough to plant outdoors, how will they fare in your climate? For me, they would be going outside way too late to make a crop. It would be an exercise in futility, especially for plants like sugar snap peas that prefer cool weather as opposed to summer heat.

    I’m in NE Texas, 8a, so perhaps if you are somewhere far to the north it might work out. But, if you really want a garden this year, I think it would be much, much better to buy some started plants at a nursery. Try starting from seeds next season. Research the right time, get heat mats, grow lights, etc.

  2. SunshineBeamer

    You can start beans, cucumbers and zucchini in the garden. I start them 2nd week of June and get plenty till Oct/Nov when the frost finally comes. Pole beans give you a better yield. 6 plants will give you beans for 2 months. Bush beans give you a flush of beans and then one more maybe and you’re done.

  3. Fast_Education3119

    Garlic?😭 from seed? Do you mean as in clove or did you buy some seeds from Amazon?

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