
guys what do I do with all the plants when I go on holiday and don’t have anyone to give them to..๐Ÿ’”

guys what do I do with all the plants when I go on holiday and don’t have anyone to give them to..๐Ÿ’”

by GirthyKayak


  1. Anxious_sunrise

    Iโ€™ve seen setups where you take a bucket of water and put a string from it to the soil and the plants will drink as they need. (Never tried it myself though!) Try this video from Sheffield Made Plants. I think heโ€™s got a couple suggestions in there.

  2. Notsureindecisive

    I donโ€™t know but I would not be keeping the alocasia anywhere near other plants because it will inevitably have a spider mite infestation and it will spread like wildfire

  3. Long_Article54

    you can water very well the day before you leave (or even the same day), and they will be good for 10 days, and maybe some more

  4. CacklingFerret

    Depends on the duration of the vacation. One week should be fine (even two depending on your usual watering schedule). For everything else you can install a drip watering system that’s either remote controlled/ programmable by itself or you buy one of those cheap remote control sockets with wi-fi. There are versions that need their pump to be placed in a large bucket of water (make sure to calculate the right amount needed and add a generous buffer) and versions that can be directly connected to a water supply (much like a hose). The first one is the safer option if you are afraid of water damage but make really sure the pump doesn’t fall dry since that can be a fire hazard.

  5. KatsukiiiSu

    I went to go copy my comment from another post. I think it fits here.

    When I traveled during the summer I knew my outdoor potted plants would need watering…bad. Indoor plants, I watered before I left & they were fine.

    I used blumats. If you’re not familiar with blumats, they basically give the water plants as the roots need it.

    I soaked the blumats, filled the cone with water & inserted them in the soil & gave my plants a thorough watering. I put all the water lines in a bucket that I KNEW had more than enough water. You can put each cord in a separate water container if you want to monitor how much each ‘drank’.

    Here’s a link. [](

    I live in Houston Texas & most summer days are in the 90’s and sometimes a little over 100.

    My plants were happy & healthy when I returned. I ended up continuing to use these in the summers because of the heat, some plants dry out too quickly. This is my summer outdoor potted plant hack now ๐Ÿ˜Š . Because I was watering too often and I have a lot of indoor & outdoor plants to tend too.


    Here’s a pic of mine. I hope this helps.

  6. Chocokat1

    Could ask a friend/neighbor/family to drop by once a week to water them?
    Also what plant is #4? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  7. SamHandwichX

    I used a cheap drip system I found on Amazon. Set it to water once over the 3 weeks I was gone and only the ones that would really suffer without water.

    I also moved them all into the kitchen that has very little light so theyโ€™d dry out more slowly and bc I didnโ€™t want to risk a leak elsewhere.

    Still, most I just left alone for the three weeks after a deep water before I left. Some were a little wilted, but nothing serious.

  8. Impossible-Effect694

    Your name, your plants and your cologne collection are getting me excited ๐Ÿซฃ

  9. Acrobatic-Pipe-8557

    Can you bring them to work and have a coworker water them? Thatโ€™s what I plan to do as I too donโ€™t want anyone coming over to my house while away.

  10. Calthean

    Okay so this may be on the extreme end but this is what I did after moving across the country and then almost immediately going on vacation with family so NO one around I could trust and feel would care about my plants like I do. I called a few nurseries and found one that “babysat” my plants for me. I brought them all in and they kept them happy and healthy. I paid them $100 and gave them homemade baked goods as a thanks. That was years ago and I still use them for every vacation. It’s just way easier

  11. JamesK_1991

    Get a humidifier going as wellโ€ฆyouโ€™d be surprised how much you can slow evaporation from the soil while maintaining a humid air environment

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