
Good morning! Why did I leave a feed bag out last night 🤣

Good morning! Why did I leave a feed bag out last night 🤣

by cowskeeper


  1. almondreaper

    My uncle has pet racoons that he keeps like dogs. It’s mayhem.

  2. proverbs17-28

    Some exterminator will leave poisoning that is fixed when the animals eat dog food…

    If I remember right, the poisoning works by dehydrating the animals but because dog food have the vitamins or minerals they need, they figure out quickly they need that

    That the reason you’re not supposed to leave your dog out after the exterminator comes

  3. theunfairness

    It’s a mistake we all make at least once! Either your phone’s ringing, the baby’s crying, or the hose was left running, or the pig’s loose…

    Something is more important for two minutes, and that lonely bag of feed sits quietly in the yard waiting to be found and loved by different hungry belly instead.

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