Native Plant Gardening

Free wild strawberries if anyone needs any in SE MI

I posted last year in the No Lawns subreddit and gave away plants to a handful of redditors. I have since found this sub so I thought I would start here this year to see if anyone wants free plants.

I use wild strawberries as groundcover in all my beds, and I’ve just let them run wild for a couple years so now I have like 5000. I want to make sure they don’t crowd out my other natives so I need to thin them out. My plants are from Wildtype Native Plant Nursery so they’re Michigan genotypes.

I’m in SE Michigan in Oakland county and I’m willing to drive to meet halfway if need be. Can also do porch pick up or drop offs.

I also haven’t dug any up yet, so I could dig up as many as you need, like if you want just a couple or a boatload. Shoot me a message if you’re interested!

by kimfromlastnight


  1. Mentalpopcorn

    If you’re willing to ship I’d take a ton!

  2. ViceroyCowboy

    How come all the cool plant stuff is always happening on the other side of the state? 🙁

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