
How to Start a Garden | Garden Tips | Save Money On Soil

Garden tip for you to try 🙈❤️🌱 let me know if this was helpful #garden #gardening #gardentok #blackgardenerstiktok #growyourownfood #backyardgarden #gardentips

if you’re like me and not trying to
spend a lot of money in your garden
here’s a tip that you should try so you
know how people leave out their brown
bags full of leaves sticks and different
cuting that are around their yard go
pick them up they don’t want them anyway
they put them on the side for the trash
people to pick it up and they actually
could be useful for your garden okay so
that’s what I’m about to go do come on
guys so I’m in my car and you see the
back is empty um no no bags in there yet
it’s a bag like four over there one over
there exactly what we need this is full
of dried leaves and sticks so excited
this is free we hit a jackpot over here
look at all
this look at all these bags full of
leaves sticks and amazing for our garden
beds like look at all these bags my
trunk is full to capacity I literally
just went down the street and got got a
couple of bags there’s still bags on the
streets that I could actually use but
this is going to be super good for my
garden you can do the layering method
that I did in my videos that I posted
where you layer cardboard sticks leaves
and then you do dirt it will save you a
lot of money on soil thank you guys so
much for watching this video I hope you
guys enjoyed this tip and hit that
follow button to stay tuned for our
backyard gardening series

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