Container Gardening

What companion plants could I put in a large pot?

I got a large pot from Aldi and I’m fairly new to gardening. I have a lot of little pots with vegetables but I’d like to start putting them into bigger spaces. Does anyone have ideas on multiple vegetables/flowers I could put in here? I’ll be drilling some holes in the bottom. Thank you!

by Altruistic-Change957


  1. Altruistic-Change957

    I should have mentioned that I live in zone 9b

  2. the_sweens

    I’ve got a similar sized pot, assuming the same country by the supermarket. I’m trying peas, lettuce and beetroot

  3. Apprehensive-Read729

    If you can have taller plants, try out the 3 sister’s method. Corn, climbing beans, and squash. The squash can handle vining over the edge.

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