Carnivorous Plants

Just got this as a gift

As the title says, i got this nephenties alata as a gift. The only problem is I dont really have good conditions to grow them. For light i have a western window but i dont really have anything for the humidity ( dont have terratium or greenhouse due to not having money rn). Also i plant to repot it, is it a good idea?. Thanks in advance!

by Celery_water

1 Comment

  1. darkblade420

    its a nepenthes ventrata (commonly sold as alata). west facing windowsill works great for these plants, they can acclimate to lower humidity so no need to do anything to increase it. a few pitchers dying during acclimating is normal.

    no need to repot, but if you do: no terracotta and repot in peat moss, sphagnum moss, and perlite. make sure it has not fertilizer. normal plants soil will kill these plants. and do not use fertilizer when watering.

    keep soil moist and only use distilled/ro/rain water, mineral build up from normal tap water could kill them over time.

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