Container Gardening

Few questions about cucumbers

  1. Will my cucumber be okay/actually grow to full size and produce in the terracotta pot?

  2. Is it time to transplant yet or do I need to wait a little while longer? If so, at what stage should I transplant?

  3. The very last pic; could anyone tell me what’s going on here with this leaf? Is it dying? Pest? Do I need to add miracle grow or anything else to the soil?

Thanks so much in advance!! 🙂

by Active_Passenger_240


  1. nobullshitebrewing

    1- yes

    2- sure let it rip

    3- yellow edges are fine.

  2. Maxi-Moo-Moo

    Hell yeah! Go for it, yours look similar to mine, OK maybe a bit bigger…..not that I’m jealous hahaha they will do great. Good luck!

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