Rare Houseplants

Some Variegated Peppers

Some Variegated Peppers

by peppergrowerrrr


  1. jimjamdaflimflam

    Looking sweet! I have some too, but your leaves are much larger than mine. I especially like pic 5 I don’t have any that vibrant of a purple.

  2. LoudKaleidoscope8576

    Oooh! 😍 I just purchased a variegated lemon tree and my daughter gifted me a variegated tomato plant.

  3. QuotenSnitch

    The purple is stunning. I love it so much.

  4. eatingscaresme

    Which varieties are these? I am somewhat of a pepper connoisseur, I’ve grown candycane which were verigated white with striped fruit. And two purple varieties, purple tiger that didn’t have very usable fruit but was pretty to look at and black hungarian that is kindof like a jalapeno but very dark. Great for pickling.

  5. NunyaBidnetCunny

    Variegated peppers!! Why did I not know these existed and where can I get some?!

  6. thickdora

    dumb question but do the peppers come out variegated lol

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