Horticulture Terrariums

Black spots on Moss?

I recently picked up this great terrarium (?) from a place, and to be honest I’m not the most knowledgeable on mosses. I try to keep it watered and humidity up, but it looks like the moss is developing black spots in areas.

Is this a type of fungus or mold?

I could possibly be overwatering, but my avg humidity is ~50% so I’m trying to figure out the best watering balance. Any advice appreciated, I’m willing to learn as much as I can!

by Bob_Dolester

1 Comment

  1. Bob_Dolester

    To add: try to water once a day with a pump sprayer, using distilled water. Light stays on ~12hrs, not too sure on the type of LED light, but will be switching to a different, full spectrum led this weekend

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