What's this plant

This appeared in our yard and it’s growing fast. We’ve not seen anything like this in our neighborhood and Google Image search failed us, too. What could it be?

This appeared in our yard and it’s growing fast. We’ve not seen anything like this in our neighborhood and Google Image search failed us, too. What could it be?

by min_mus


  1. spherechucker

    The cruciform flowers suggests some sort of brassica gone to flower. Could be a radish of some sort.

  2. ToenailCheesd

    It looks a lot like evening scented stock, though I’m not sure about the leaves. Does it smell amazing at night?

  3. EmergencyDapper1720

    I got one of these volunteers, too!!! I love it! Been saving the seed pods! Plan to plant a large area with them. My bees love em!

  4. RutabagaPretend6933

    Not wild raddish but raddish (Raphanus sativum)

  5. WrongMolasses2915

    Looks like Hesperis matronalis aka Dames rocket pretty but invasive

  6. If that’s a radish gone to seed you’ll have pods soon, which are excellent as a pickled snack IMO.

  7. basilleaf2023

    “Phlox “ flowers they come in several colors
    White ,,pink purple ,pale pink ,pale purple
    In the wild

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