Plant Propagation

How do I plant them?

I got these plants about a month ago and they have been sitting in cups full of fish tank water (changed weekly) ever since. The inch plants look fine but the yucca keeps getting more yellow leaves. Is this a plant that really needs to be in soil? If so, what is the best way to plant it/what kind of soil do I use? Any advice is appreciated!

by Sepha1027


  1. Tacman180

    The tradescantia can literally just be stuck into soil. Seriously. Those things are very hearty and root very quickly. In fact, water propagation isn’t even necessary. In some places, it’s considered invasive because it grows like crazy. Any regular soil will do for them, really. But a standard mix of 50/50 soil and perlite is fine. Just stick about two inches of the stem in soil and it should start growing in a week or two at most.

    For the other one, I’m not quite sure. I’ve killed every succulent I’ve owned lol

  2. blindkiller770

    I see you got good tradescantia advice already. For the yucca, get it out the water now the it has a root. Better to be in soil.

    Let the soil be moist at first, well draining. Let dry out and soak again. I survived two of my yucca cuttings from my dead trunk years ago and still got them! They can handle full sun

  3. takeachancymf

    the yucca doesn’t like water. Those are enough roots for your plant to get into some soil, a succulent-type mix. Keep it on the dry side, great drainage, so pot not much bigger than the root ball ever. It loves sun! I have mine in a South-facing window. Best of luck!

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