
How to get it to heat up

I put a whole thing of pet store sawdust in a couple of weeks ago but do I need more carbon or nitrogen

by Garbs007


  1. JelmerMcGee

    Hard to tell from just the photo. How much is there? Bulk is an important factor in getting your compost hot.

  2. Karmanat0r

    You need the 3 Ms to get hot compost:
    1. Mass: aim for a cubic yard of organic material.

    2. Mix: you need a good mix of carbon-heavy and nitrogen-heavy materials, and you need to mix the pile around every week or 2 to aerate it.

    3. Moisture: a dry pile won’t heat up. Aim for a damp sponge consistency in the interior.

  3. lightningfries

    Grass clippings have always helped me hit the exothermic stage quickly.

  4. mgdodson

    Equal layers of green and brown materials, dampen.

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