Edible Gardening

Shin’s Greens Front Yard Converted to Edible Garden 3 Year Update

Hi Everyone! Spring is here and the flowers are blooming! Check out this front yard that was converted to a vegetable and flower garden. Spring is the most beautiful time in the garden so don’t miss this episode! Happy gardening, everyone!
Love, Angela

hi everyone it’s Angela F mission greens
it’s so good to see you all right now
it’s in March in Southern California and
I’ve been really behind in posting
videos so we’re going to do a combined
winter and spring update I’m going to
show some highlights from my winter
including my Harvest and we’re going to
do some major spring cleaning in the
Garden today as you can see my flowers
are blooming it is such a beautiful time
in the year so I’m so excited to show
you what’s going on in the garden so
let’s get started
started welcome
to this year I grew purple cauliflower
for the first time and it is so much fun
they are surprisingly easy to grow and
they are stunning and they do taste
exactly the same as white cauliflower
but it’s really fun to see this growing
in the
garden look at the size of this
cauliflower is just absolutely
humongous you got it I got it okay
okay let’s tour the Spring
Garden we’re starting off with some
vernaculus and I’ve got some gorgeous
kale this kale was the tastiest crop
I’ve ever grown I’ve shared a lot of it
with my friends and family and
everyone’s been enjoying
it and here we have some ground cherries
or golden berries whatever you may want
to call it these are also super tasty
very low maintenance and some volunteer
chard you’re here I have had some low
quats and these are some onions that are
up and here’s a patch of some volunteers
I’ve got some bachelor buttons and some
borage the bees love
these and we have some dragon
fruit okay let’s see what’s going on on
side and we have
blueberries this is a broccoli plant
that is going to seed and it’s all going
to come
down now all of this right here is going
to be coming down these are the sugar
snap peas that are at the end of the
season for them so they’re dying back I
am going to collect the rest of the pea
pods that are left on these
plants look at this ronculus the little
pink stripes are so
pretty this is an eggplant a pink tongue
eggplant one of my favorites and it
survived the winter I didn’t cut it back
at all I just let it be and it actually
did pretty well through the winter and
we have some fruits already forming and
right now we’re in April so this is
really early for them to be forming
fruits I’m really happy about
this oh my gosh you guys look at this
beauty this is the Flemish antique Poppy
and it is stunning just look at the size
of these flowers oh my
gosh the star of the show this spring
are my Snap Dragons they are just
gorgeous they are so tall and have so
many different colors and
variations and some more lar spur just
look at these so so
pretty and actually really easy to
grow this is a katsuna that has gone to
seed and the birds love the seeds they
have been picking the pods
clean so all this right here will be
taken down and cleaned
up and these are snow peas look at the
size of these pea pods my gosh this is
the best crop of snow peas I’ve ever
grown these seeds are from Baker Creek I
believe they’re called Green
Beauty and this is my garlic patch
and more
ranulas beautiful colors on these and
just look at this this one’s my favorite
ronculus look at all the hundreds of
petals I’ve got some more strawberries
here this is a Hol Hawk it’s called the
majorette and it is the most beautiful
Hol Hawk I’ve ever seen I got these
seeds also from Baker Creek I cannot
wait for these to bloom
okay let’s do some cleanup
okay this is the trellis all cleaned up
it’s looking so good this is the huge
pile of sugar snap pce plants that I
just taken down and you bet I’m going to
hand chop all of this and add it to my
compost but this trus is a nice clean
slate ready for planting pole beans


  1. New sub from socal too! Wow it is my first year of gardening. I should have started earlier coz now it is too hot! Im already excited for September 😅

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