Native Plant Gardening

Roast my rain garden plan (5b, Ontario)

This is my plan for a small (grid is scaled to roughly 5in between lines) rain garden so we no longer need to push our lawnmower down a muddy ditch where the roof runoff comes out from a pipe under our driveway. Suggestions welcome!

by International_Fox209


  1. gerkletoss

    A) swamp milkweed will die if it doesn’t rain

    B) there should be multiple species in each area

    C) swamp milkweed is well over a meter tall

  2. WeddingTop948

    Are you looking at neat and tidy or wild and expanding patch?

  3. SHOWTIME316

    it’s not terrible. i would switch one of those swamp milkweeds with some sort of aster so you can have a fall bloomer, though.

  4. The_Poster_Nutbag

    The marsh marigold between the milkweeds is going to be swallowed up as they expand. I would switch it to the center spot otherwise this looks nice.

    I would add some sedges too.

  5. nicknick782

    Personally I’d ditch the swamp milkweed for something wider at the base OR underplant it with more marigold or similar. Mine is single stem and the understory is fairly bare. Also consider if you need sight lines for the driveway as it can get fairly tall.

  6. Later_Than_You_Think

    So this area is about 5 feet by 8 feet? It’s going to look pretty in the spring and summer, and dirt the rest of the year. It needs something with some fall and winter interest. Or you need to have some garden art that is only visible in the winter and fall.

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