Succulent Plants

I was just given this guy, how do I propagate it properly to make it smaller?

I have no idea what it is, and please forgive me because I am new to succulents. The person I got it from told me I can propangate it, where should I cut it? Also not pictured are more of the leafy parts at the ends of the loooooong stems. Trying to give this guy a better life!

by ManagerSensitive


  1. verdant_2

    1) Cut the stem about an inch below the leaves.
    2) Let it sit on a plate for a day or two to let the cut dry out (this step is not strictly necessary but reduces the chance of rot).
    3) Plant the bare stem stub up to the leaves. Succulents generally do best in a mix that drains quickly.
    4) I usually water at this point and other people say not to water so I suspect either works.
    5) Put it in bright light. After a week or so when it has had a chance to grow roots, put it in the highest light you have.

    It’s likely that the base will grow a new shoot, so if you want to keep that plant too, shorten the stems to be only an inch long above the soil.

  2. jaydiza203

    What Verdant said is on point… Also you should go on youtube and look up succulent propagation… Have fun!

  3. Wow I’ve never seen such a snakey alien looking succulent! Best of luck with it

  4. Funky_Chocolate

    This guy is already living it’s best life, as it is a Graptopetalum paraguayense by the look of it. It naturally hangs and grow long stems with hanging compact rosettes. They can tollerate drought and are very easy to propagate

  5. lightweight56

    Please propagate. 3in above soil and the growth of leaves as well. Lay to harden harden at bottom, I do about about a week, but looks like you have lots of potential babies. Lots of luck.

  6. DrStefanFrank

    Is it strange that I kind of like it exactly how it is?

    I know the struggle though, this summer I got to get rid of a whole lot of plants that just grew too big, unwieldy and hard to manage and replace them with clones/props/seedlings of themselves.
    My Euphorbia is even hitting the ceiling.

    If you want to produce a lot of props – as gifts or whatever – you can keep the pot with the stalks after cutting the heads as is or just shorten them a bit, put it in full sunlight and maybe give it a light feeding. If you’re lucky you might get a very large amount of new heads forming along them, sometimes they get outright covered in tiny plantlets. Other times it’s merely a few, seems to be dependent on a whole lot of factors but is worth a try.

  7. Mrsbear19


    cut the heads off!! Keep the step and watch babies grow everywhere. Let heads callous for 3-7 days then you’re free to plant

  8. elspotto

    I…like it.

    But if you insist, make like the Queen of hearts and off with its heads!

  9. Puzzleheaded-Pay-416

    You want to cut off those amazing stems and make it an average looking little plant?

  10. Melodic_Setting1327

    I have a dumb question: if they chop up that long stem into segments, is there any chance any of the segments would root and sprout leaves?

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