Gardening Australia

Friend or foe?

Hey guys,
What type of wasp is this ?

Thanks !

by Patient_Election7492


  1. widowscarlet

    Sorry I don’t know the latin name or real species name, I’ve just always called them paper wasps because that is what the hive texture resembles (I assume).

    I have a similar, but smaller hive that restarts every year. Never been stung, but it’s also not on a doorway. My understanding is that most wasps are pollinators too, they aren’t bad just because they’re not called bees! I just leave them alone.

  2. ipoopcubes

    Could be native paper wasps could be Asian paper wasps. Both are not overly aggressive, but can deliver a nasty sting when aggravated.

    Either way if it is in an area that has high foot traffic don’t feel guilty removing or destroying the nest.

  3. Fickle-Friendship998

    Probably both, they’re good for the ecosystem but if you get too close they will sting you quite badly. If they’re in a high traffic area you might consider getting rid of them

  4. Impressive_Treacle94

    Foe. Don’t believe me poke it with a stick!!

  5. Nutsaqque

    They’re not fond of anything walking past their nest too close.

    Found that out the hard way once (didn’t know they were there).

  6. dumb_lions

    Polistes humilis, common paper wasp. Friend

  7. LestWeForgive

    I’ve had a few too many run ins with this sort to tolerate them. The brown wasps that make hanging stringybark nests are docile and useful, always welcome at my place. But these yellow bastards, they’re kill on sight.

    The worst run in was I was at the rifle range with five rounds loaded and I’d just put the scope to my eye when I heard the buzzing. Not the time to be waving arms around, so I had to just stomach the stings and calmly unload.

  8. Tushdish

    Attack without provocation. You can walk past them so many times and then one time they will attack.

  9. Superb_Ad_4942

    No idea. Any wasp nest I see I go at with a paintball gun.

  10. This works well

  11. The_Slavstralian

    Insurance will cover it if you torch the house.

    Seriously though… DONT F**KING TORCH YOUR HOUSE.

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