Gardening Australia

Is It too late to top soil?

Hi brain trust, my kikuyu lawn is a bit off balance and I was wondering I I can top soil it now?. Located in Melb.

I’ve got around 2 cubic meters of dirt. What should I add to it to make it into top soil?

by TheNextOutbreak


  1. SandmanAwaits

    I think it is, I was going to say unless you’re in Qld because of the weather but just saw you’re in Melb.

    I’d wait until Spring when it warms up a bit.

  2. BuzzKillingtonThe5th

    Wait until spring. Even Qld it would be starting to slow down in growing. Unless you are further north I would wait.

  3. skeezix_ofcourse

    Top dress?

    Depends… what “Dirt” have you got, is it just a sandy loam?

    I’d top dress with half of what you have & do the other half in July.

  4. bill0ddi3

    It’s way too late to top dress. Wait until mid-Spring at least, depending on the warmth of the season.

  5. SoupRemarkable4512

    It’s Kik so you can do it now but it’ll look terrible until late spring. I’d wait until then.

  6. TheNextOutbreak

    Thanks all! Appreciate the advise and will wait till spring

  7. EnvironmentalSun2887

    You’re about 8 weeks too late to top dress. Wait for spring.

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