Container Gardening

When you confuse a comma for a decimal during an online spring sale…

Extremely new gardner/homesteader here. This is my first year doing any kind of gardening..or rather, anything related to plants. I've watched videos, podcasts, audio books, and articles about how I wanted to approach my first garden. My husband and I live in a tiny townhome apartment, so we only have a "patio" (aka cement slab) and not a very big one. I only plan to have a total of 10 pots with a few veggies and then mostly herbs due to sun light access.

I didn't have high hopes for my first year either, all thing considered, but my seedlings are doing pretty well! I decided with enough success with almost all the seeds I bought, I can finally go online to map out how much soil I'll need for potting in a few weeks. One of our local hardware stores was having a big spring sale with some soil/mulch for only $2-3 a bag! I was super excited and ordered it for pick up on my lunch break.

Unbeknownst to my dumb ass, I confused the bag details with a decimal rather than the VERY CLEARLY LABELED comma for how much soil was in a bag.

We pull up and my mouth DROPS to the floor seeing some poor girl hauling a giant pallet of soil bags and pete moss…I rush out to help her and discover that thankfully my corolla had enough room for it all…

My husband and I had a good laugh.. it worked out fine and the only thing hurt was my pride. Ha! I'm very glad I'm not a mathematics teacher, like woowww…

On the bright side, none of this will go to waste and although it was a veeerryyy stupid mistake for just 10 measly little containers….it was at least a pretty cheap one. (:

Hope I could make a few others laugh tonight. Happy gardening!

by a11i3c4t


  1. LabNew3779

    Keep us posted as you will very likely use all this dirt as your gardening experience blooms. It’s a good problem to have.

  2. degggendorf

    I’m not sure I follow. What decimal? 2.0 cu ft?

  3. What_Next69

    Believe me, you’ll use it! Once you pop, you know?

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