Edible Gardening

Florida Organic Edible / Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | March Zone 10a

Florida Organic Edible / Tropical Garden Food Forest Tour | March Zone 10a coastal central Florida. Enjoy!
Plant Pirates playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC517sAs_ruQjRCWpkleHwVpjFMXKSnkI

e welcome back y’all we got kind of a
dreary rainy day here a little chilly
it’s not too bad a little wet but we are
entering spring here and um our garden
is starting to take off so we thought it
might be a good time to do a little
garden tour and also there’s a couple
things I know we can Harvest right now
yeah so uh and then there’s a couple
things that are just starting to go off
too um that we’ll show everybody in a
minute let’s give everybody the rundown
yes what do we do we well we live in
zone a we Zone 10A Zone 10A we live in
zone 10A um on an island yeah Central
Florida yeah uh do we like to use lots
of chemicals no we are all organic yeah
all organic except for fish ulion yeah
but that’s techn I think it’s uh
accepted by the organic standards or
whatever um we do use some fish emolion
we do mulch um we’re actually making our
own fish ulion too we’ll show everybody
um our PR R here it smells real bad yeah
um but we like to focus on um we growing
tropical and edible tropical edible and
ornamental stuff so lots of different
fruits lots of different fruit trees um
we’ll show you here we got a lot going
on um and then a lot of ornamentals too
and a lot of almost all of these
tropical ornamentals that we have
planted um Teddy and I have gotten out
of people’s landscape debris bins um on
land debr pickup day uh we actually do
another series of videos called the
plant Pirates where we uh go around in
our golf cart uh early in the morning
looking for free plants so um but we got
a lot of stuff going off here uh what
can you think of that’s going off right
now right by where we’re standing um
probably this cranberry hibiscus okay
yeah that’s a good one we got this
cranberry hibiscus here it has some
flowers on it oh yeah right here yeah
there’s lots there’s another one right
here and there’s also little buds all
over it too just all over it and you can
eat uh most parts of this plant you can
eat the flowers um and the leaves the
leaves are actually real tasty um you
want to get some fresher leaves um
they’re real tasty though and you can
make teas and stuff out of it too um oh
those are good but um yep that’s been
flowering for a couple weeks now I think
yeah but it’s really starting to shoot
off yeah so right next to it um is the
sugar apple apple and it is starting to
flower too you can see the little buds
right here oh yeah there’s tons yep and
this is one that we find that we have to
hand pollinate um for whatever reason um
but we do get fruit on it every year
this tastes kind of like a tropical
cantaloup a little bit yeah um they have
little um it’s like a little uh ball or
small pear-shaped fruit with these
little pieces that you pick off pie look
exactly like these they do kind of like
that a little bit
yeah all right we have over here we have
our cassava that’s nearing its end we
actually need to pull this up uh harvest
the um roots and then replant um some of
the cuting cuz that’s over it looks
terrible right now um and we have a a
star fruit right here um it’s looks
great it’s putting off a lot of new
growth but we don’t have any fruit on
that right now so oh I spotted a fruit
right behind there oh yeah look at that
it’s a beautiful one some of our
pineapples right
here I think we have a couple more too
yeah and then right here by Teddy we
have this improved Meer lemon I’m pretty
sure there’s lemons on it and flowers
you see a lemon yeah oh yeah so there’s
a lemon down there and then above it
there’s a flow looks like we have some
flowers in here these flowers smell so
good oh my gosh it’s improved it’s on
it’s a lemon on the base of an orange I
think yeah I think so it’s definitely a
grafted tree um you can see where the
graft was made down there um I believe
that is a grafted tree yeah um all right
we have more oh we have some bananas up
here yeah two racks yeah this is the uh
Mona Lisa right here and these bananas
Unfortunately they flowered in the
beginning of the winter but they made it
through the winter um that one flowered
earlier than this one um this is a
little further behind still making it
and this was like dead winter so there’s
only a couple hands on here like four or
five hands on here but still get still
that’s like 60 bananas probably I know
that sounds crazy but it probably is
each one of those hands probably has 14
or 16 on there you know there’s four
hands five hands on there so 80 here’s
another oh look at this pineapple still
has a little flowers coming out of it oh
yeah look at that how cool is
that all right um so the rest of our
bananas we do collect banana varieties
um we collect a lot of plant but we
collect banana varieties so we have a
lot of different varieties here um we
have a dwarf oroko over here these are
the dwarf Cavendish um these are the
praying hands yeah praying hands um we
have some myour here uh these are blue
Javas I think um over here that sorry
little one’s the double Mah yes it’s a
dwarf double mahy it’s we’ve had this in
the ground for four years yeah three or
four years and sadly we haven’t got it’s
gotten any fruit or anything it did
shoot up another little pup for us but
but it looks kind of like a water it
might just be an ornamental for us I
don’t know um we have another star fruit
right here Carambola and I think that’s
an Arin I think the other one was a Shri
kber yeah
um then we have this beautiful um I
think this is uh some sort of Ginger or
uh I think it’s a ginger I forget the
name of this one I’ll post it down below
yeah it looks kind of like a shell
Ginger it does you’re right it does um
and then right behind Teddy here we have
this gangly lemongrass that’s that needs
to be pruned and then an even ganger um
Moringa that’s all the way up there yeah
above the um garage and then below it um
is this pink guava uh we’ll start we’ll
probably start getting flowers on it uh
in the next month or two it looks pretty
bad right now but it’s starting to put
on uh New Growth
so let’s see we got um this is a black
cam Cherry uh yes and we have another
one of those uh that actually has buds
on it oh it does it does I’ll show you
in just a little bit oh here’s one of
the worst decisions we’ve ever made do
not eat this yeah so you can eat the
these prickly Paar cactuses you can eat
the loaves um this is actually a variety
that’s somewhat spineless um but still
they have like micros microscopic little
spines on there uh you definitely need
to shave them yeah or clean them off
yeah with an abrasive cloth or something
before you eat them but you can eat the
fruits there’s no fruit on here right
now but you can eat the fruits and you
can eat these loes the loes are actually
really good I like them you don’t like
them no also I don’t like how they give
me spikes in my oh yeah I know obviously
oh miracle fruit all right oh yeah with
a miracle fruit on it is there a fruit
on there right here oh yeah so here’s
our little it’s kind of like a little
novelty tree but here’s our miracle
fruit and you can see it has a fruit on
there right now and if you don’t know
what this is um miracle fruit you can
eat um a bite of that little fruit rub
it around on the inside of your mouth
and what does it do it’ll if you bite
into a lemon it’ll taste like candy yeah
it’s crazy it’s wild um I was thinking
about it the other day though you
probably don’t want to bite into
anything savory yeah we’ve never tried
eating steak after eating one of them
bead we should do a taste test with
miracle fruit and savory stuff miracle
fruit and fish be
gross all right right here behind Teddy
um we have you know an assortment of
burm milads and uh tea plants and stuff
and then we move back into here we have
some leafy greens back in here um this
is the Mexican sunflower right here uh
that’s more of a chop and drop than a
leafy green but we have um we have our
giant meringa tree here Teddy likes to
climb it we’re going to have to cut that
down soon it’s getting real bad I mean
it it needs to be cut down there you can
see the big seed pods up there too
hanging down we can Harvest those um
careful up there kiddo yeah then behind
here along the wall is our kuk these
this kuk needs to be cut back big time
we need to prune it cut it down big time
um then let’s see what do we have here
the Florida spinach is that what this
one is no that’s longevity longevity
okay yeah this one’s good yeah uhhuh is
really good my youngest son likes to
come out here
and just eat handfuls of it you can see
we’ve been using these uh cages the
tomato cages seem to help it keep keeps
it off the ground and also keeps uh
Critters out of it we’re having a
problem with I mean uh bunnies and stuff
get into it that’s a good one mhm all
right I think that’s probably it for the
front garden let’s go find uh another um
section of the property to show
everybody all right we’re walking down
this pathway here cuz I know we have
some food we can Harvest here but I
wanted to just point out some of the
stuff we have going on here this is kind
of an area when Teddy and I find verm
milads and plants uh we don’t have a
place for we just stick them over here
and then we’ll pull from this area yeah
it’s kind of like a nursery yeah kind of
but then this is our yeah so we stopped
right here because this we do like other
plants we collect tea plants we we have
lots of varieties of tea plants but this
is our prize one this is the pink
diamond yes oh man that this is just the
probably the coolest one we’ve ever
found they’re kind of slow growing I
think that’s cuz they’re cuting maybe
yeah so we planted this just from cuting
um same with this one over here this is
I don’t think this is the chili pepper
this is kind of a cross between like the
red sister and the chili pepper I think
yeah and like has the colors of the ATI
L maybe that’s cuz of the shade yeah
then we just have a lot of other
vermilia mix in here this green tea
plant there’s a has some kind of
issue this is another cool Plant here
this was found on plant Pirates also
just in the trash and look at look at
this Leaf I know I mean well we found
all this on plant Pirates we didn’t find
this kry this was a pup that shot up off
of another cryomill we had um and I
planted it here and that’s only been
there for 2 years so all this was free
yep except for this except for the oh
our neighbor gave us that one I can’t
believe it’s so alive it’s little it is
free yeah all right cool let’s keep
going here um let’s
go see we’ll show you uh this area first
I know I have there’s some bananas right
there that fell over that I got to get
it’s not the banana yeah yeah so I’ll go
through this real quick we have a couple
more varieties this is the uh dwarf
Brazilian right here um this is the Raja
Perri banana right here um and then we
have some more tea plants mixed in here
yeah and we also have the world’s
tallest corn plant yeah we do you can
see here’s the base of it right here and
you can see it goes all the way up into
this cabbage Palm here this Drina is
getting huge too look at this Drina
right here we found that also yeah
that’s 8 ft tall right now that was
planted from cuting that’s crazy yeah
and then we pepper in uh pineapples
everywhere we can too we kind of like oh
we got to do some weeding here kind of
companion plant pineapples with bananas
this is how yeah we do we do we we found
that that seems to work um well for us
so this is part of organic gardening you
have to one of my Motts is you just pick
a weed and pull it every time you’re out
here just pick some and just throw them
right there they’ll just die in the sun
basically not like Georgia it’s easy to
pick them up here it is all right we got
some more tropical ornamentals in here
we have any of these uh little things to
eat yeah this is the button Ginger
here you want this one yeah and you can
see these little flowers grow out of the
main flower bud and you can eat them
they taste like little lemon drops
they’re so good aren’t they yeah they’re
filled with ants though sometimes yeah
you just got to eat the ants it’s all
right but you can see we got more stuff
in this little bed here more tea plants
two types of bananas song of India yeah
there’s some bananas in here I’m not
sure one of these was mislabeled so we
don’t know what it is I don’t know what
that other variety is back there oh and
golden finger golden finger okay and
then we have a um papaya up here that’s
flowering oh I forgot about that oh and
it’s got some kind of giant like look at
that spider we yeah it’s like spittle
buug or something yeah or cocoon or
something right up there cocoon of some
sort you can see the papaya is flowering
it it would like more light than it has
you can see it bending and reaching for
the light up there um oh cool look at
this while I’m in here look at the
flower on this aloe it looks like a red
hot poker flower almost
how cool is that and it’ll get red this
one won’t I don’t think I think it stays
yellow the spotted variet look at all
these little little plants that this Al
is shooting up right here all right I’m
going to hop let’s hop out of here
though cuz I want to get those bananas
they’re like
tentacles so I have a bunch of bananas I
think this is a tall or noos that I have
planted in my or Palms here uh really to
get my to add some privacy from this
house here but um this one right
here was leaning towards the neighbor’s
property and it was going to crush my
orka palms and I was going to lose the
bananas so here I’m going to hand you
the camera so all I did was yank it back
this way we’re going to harvest the
bananas today and then we’ll do a chop
and drop on this plant later um and you
know add it to all the other plants
around the property that’s a good bunch
of bunch of bananas like they’re big
ones too yeah so we usually eat eat
these um this is kind of like a plantain
we eat them uh green even when they’re
if they get real ripe they’ll taste they
they get sweet but we usually eat them
as a like a plant cuz like what you just
saw it snaps the plant in half because
of the weight yeah this is a yeah this
probably weighs 40 lbs 40 yeah something
like that well look it looks like they
have like stitches on the side oh must
have been uh damaged but from knocking
into stuff but I’m going to I’ll stick
this over here it later yeah Put The
Knife there um I think that’s it let’s
um we did this little section here all
right let’s find uh I know we have
plenty more to show everybody let’s find
something all right so we just made it
to our giant common mulberry tree and
this is an old tree you can see um we
lose big chunks of it every year but it
puts off so much fruit and I have a
suspicion that it puts off a lot lot of
fruit because it gets damaged that the
wind is pruning it for me I’m not
pruning it and uh it just it puts off
you should see all the fruit that’s up
in here all the yellow the new fruits
here’s a nice big where is it where is
it look at that one right there oh my
gosh super windy right now they’re so
good they are so
good look at that oh man they’re so
good whenever we come out here to
harvest them with the bowl the bowl
always come back up I just eat them I
would say this is our most consistent
fruit tree this gives us loads of fruit
every year um
no I mean no hesitation uh our mangoes
kind of fruit every other year for
us Sometimes good sometimes not but it
does though make it look like you just
Saye a wild animal man these are so good
my finger yeah you’re going to get it
all over your
face and then you’re going to be in the
for the rest of the video with red all
over your face but man these are good
they’re just everywhere we got a ladder
up here I mean there’s some huge ones up
here and just eat them right off the
tree well this is a big
nice all right well we could do this all
day let’s move on I would highly
recommend that anyone who doesn’t have a
mberry tree plant one in their food for
for it’s like I said the most consistent
um fruit tree we have you ready kiddo
yeah see it just never ends we could
just keep going and going he’s like a
raccoon in there all right and then
across the yard here so back here we
have a whole bunch of coconut palms
planted um and you can see they’re
loaded with coconuts right
now we actually have some uh some
coconuts I’m going to harvest right up
here um these have some nice cocon
coconut bunches on them up there um we
have another coconut another variety of
coconut palm right
there and then we have our two big mango
trees right here yeah they’re flowering
yeah they put off one uh flush of
flowers then it all died off they might
flow again sometimes it’s like we get
two flushes of flowers there’s some
bigger mangoes forming on this one back
here that’s an earlier variety than this
one is and I’m uncertain uh what
varieties they are they obviously they
were here long before we purchased the
property so probably like 40 years old
yeah and then we have um our two
beautiful gumbo limos here um and this
stagghorn Fern up in this one this
beautiful stagghorn
Fern these are great climbing trees kids
them here’s my beautiful stagghorn firm
we cut some out of the back here uh to
give to a friend and it kind of uh I
don’t know the plant declined a little
bit right there but it’s it’s coming
back now and I believe the cutting that
we got for the friend um worked so it
was worth it but that’s just a massive
Fern oh there goes Teddy up the
tree all right well I’m going to get
Teddy down out of this tree and we’re
going to find some more um we’re going
to find some more food to show everybody
all right so I promise we’d show um the
fish Emulsion that we’re making um sorry
about the noise we have it I don’t know
why but I have this going on in my uh
pool area here I should probably move it
cuz it’s kind of smelly okay yeah but
anyways um this is I’ll show you what we
have going on here we have um this
bucket here um and um basically all I
did we went out Teddy and I went out and
caught a couple fish uh in the ocean
caught a couple Whiting yeah we ate
their meat yeah I want to say we broiled
them um and then the carcasses all we
did basically was put the carcasses with
some leaves and some dirt and some water
into this bucket here and you basically
just stir it every so often um I this is
a sealed bucket this lid has a like a
seal in it um because you you don’t want
if flies and fleas get in here they’ll
lay eggs and then you’ll get maggots all
in your mix and that’s not what you want
so this is a sealed bucket and then what
I’ve done here what you can do is just
um uh take the lid off drill some holes
in it and put like a screen over it and
then put the lid back on and that’ll
vent that’ll vent the gases to build up
in there I didn’t do that cuz it smells
a uh that that smells extra bad um so
what we did is uh made this little air
lock here which basically I just drilled
one hole into the bucket here and then
you have the tube going into water here
so when pressure builds up in the tank
here it will bubble out the tube into um
into the water and then just bubble out
into the air and flies can’t get into
this tube because it’s buried in the
water does that make it smell as bad now
it also doesn’t vent the gases as
efficiently so I’m I’m somewhat new to
making my own fish Emulsion um I think
that probably the better method would be
to have the screen with the multiple
holes stroll in the top because you get
more Iration um I did have some mold
build up in here when I went too long
without stirring it but I’m going to
hand the camera over to Teddy and I’ll
pull the top off real quick um yeah it
smells Teddy I’m not sure Ted smelted
yet it’s pretty bad but uh you can at
least show them what it looks like right
now and then I’ll put the top back on
quick I can already smell
it yeah and there it is it’s pretty much
a toxic pit right now um and this will
take some time so I did this batch I
started um look you can see that bubble
when I push the top on you see that yeah
it’s from the air inside um so I started
this batch maybe uh I don’t know 3 4
weeks ago and it’ll it’ll need to go a
couple months before it’s ready but um
we’ll uh we’ll do some updates on on the
channel later about it uh but for now
Teddy and I will get back to the tour of
our garden all right what are you
pointing at kiddo um The Lobster FL oh
yeah fler this my favorite where your
hand let me see yeah we got this uh from
someone who watches our Channel yep we
trade plants with her with Bev uh we
haven’t talked to her for a while we
need to go trade some plants with her
don’t we but we did get that from her
Teddy spotted that on her property when
they were there trading a dead stick he
knew that I wanted it so bad well I
wanted it too it’s so cool yeah so we
have that um there’s a couple varieties
of bananas mixed in here there’s a teeny
one down there um I’m not sure it’s
going to make it that looks like a water
sucker yeah uh this is delicious yeah
which one was this the sweetheart the
sweetheart okay yeah this is one of our
favorites this is like a mediumsized
banana uh and it’s just so good puts off
uh I mean a medium Siz banana plant and
it puts off mediumsized bananas big
bunches of them yeah super good perfect
the only one I like more than it is like
the I don’t know yeah it’s good it’s a
good one um we do have a couple
varieties of plumeria mixed in here but
um you can see the plary are just now
starting to put on their leaves so you
can’t see which colors they are but one
of these is like a dark fuchsia uh and
one of them was like a pink and white
one I think yeah oh and I I see right
here too we didn’t show this from the
front but um right up here is this is
our loquat tree right here I think it’s
a Christmas loquat yeah and it’s doing
great since we moved it it is doing
great I don’t see any flower buds on it
anywhere but it does look happy I see
buds on that plumia yep the plumia is
just about to flower the plumia is crazy
sometimes it puts off flowers before
leaves and then in the fall it holds on
to flowers longer than its leaves yeah
and sometimes in like um shade it gets
used to the shade and doesn’t lose its
leaves until it cold I think I think
it’s the full sun where it doesn’t lose
leaves okay cuz I’ve see shade it
happens okay oh look at this uh shell
Ginger right next to it how pretty is
that oh that’s beautiful all right and
um there’s a batch of coconuts I want to
harvest let’s go get our cutter and cut
those down all right so I just got my
little pole saw here it’s just like a
normal tree pruning you know stick but
you’d buy it your big box store whatever
but um I’m going to cut this little
batch of coconuts down right here um
they are still green coconuts and a lot
of people would say no don’t do that let
them ripen so you can get all the meat
out of the middle but we want them for
the water y um meat is like we can
always get it out of the trash Cuts yeah
he says he says the trash so our
neighbors next door have about a billion
coconut palms and they put millions of
coconuts out um we have cabage Palms
they have coconut palms so we have
unlimited supply of uh mature coconut so
here I’m going to hand you the camera
we’re going to harvest these green ones
so we can have coconut water and also
use the water for
smoothies we have so many brown coconuts
we line our garden beds with them yeah
do all right and it looks like none of
them broke yeah a lot of times when we
drop a bunch like this a couple of them
will split open but now these look small
but they will all have water in them two
two yep we find that on average they
have what two gallons two cups Cups
gallons not gallons come on you know
what a gallon is I know two cups um each
uh so it’s just like we get to grow our
own uh yeah coconut water sweet so I’ll
come back and get those
um and we’ll add those to the bananas I
guess yep yeah I guess while we’re here
we didn’t plan we didn’t show we kind of
showed this bed a little bit earlier we
have some dragon fruit going up here um
in these cabbage Palms here uh we have
some Oak and Allen spinach back there
some more
cuk uh another star fruit right here I I
don’t know what variety that is what
does it say what’s the variety it says I
think it’s like the carry yeah carry
okay we’ve only had that one for uh I
think about a year if even yeah and then
we have a couple varieties of bananas
here here’s the Rhino horn that’s the
Rhino horn it’s big bananas Yep this is
Apple uh and then I think that’s a namoa
over there and the apple does have some
bananas on it and um it keeps whenever
they get bananas it keeps getting blown
over from the wind off the river yeah
I’m hoping this rack Will Survive yeah
the wind we get some some real strong
winds off that River um for sure and it
will knock it over so all right cool
let’s go uh let’s go find find another
area okay so here’s this other black cam
Cherry I was telling you about Teddy
that’s starting to have buds on it see
right there yeah and so we’ll get fruit
on this probably uh mid June as when
we’ll be able to pick the fruit we’ve
never we’ve had the red Cam cherries
we’ve never had we made a video on the
red ones actually I think we did a
couple years ago yeah um our
neighborhood Has a Little River Park and
we have a big nice black seram cherry
planted there that we got some off of uh
a couple years ago um they’re they’re
all right I like them not everybody does
apparently the black ones are really
good yeah I’ve never tried the black
ones so we’ll see we have lots of buds
yeah lots of buds lots of buds all right
we got another variety of banana here I
I’m unsure which one this is I’d have to
look it up and then you can see this uh
this variegated song of India is just
wrapping around it um and we’ve planted
some vermilia and tea plants and groups
here with uh some Plum areia popping out
that’ll start to look nice in the spring
and this is another tall namoa right
here yep and oh look at the berries on
the tea plant yeah um we can’t skip one
of our old our oldest sit yes how did I
forget that our U uh Mandarin orange and
this is the first year that we have
flowers on it oh they’re all so it’s not
going to be on the new growth this is
all new growth you got to look on the
inside here um here’s some right here
see the little okay there we go yeah so
we’ve never gotten flowers or fruit on
this this is the first year and you can
see this tree looks as happy as can be
becoming an actual tree yeah we have uh
we mulch it um I mulch it with this
cypress mulch and I also put um uh oak
leaves around the base of it I’ve heard
that that helps citrus trees um I’ve
heard that citrus trees in fact I’ve
seen it uh citrus trees growing in the
understory of uh oak trees um do well um
they don’t seem to develop a lot of the
blights that um a lot of the Citrus
farms in Florida are plagued with um now
they don’t get this is a nice bushy this
this looks like a citrus tree that would
be on a citrus Farm um the ones that
I’ve seen in forests around Florida get
real tall and gangly um but they are
still loaded with fruit remember all the
fruit oh yeah when there’s some at the
Peace River um and then we saw some at
Bulls Creek remember the Peace River the
those are like native oranges yeah
they’re not native but like yeah but um
a lot of people say you shouldn’t mulch
your citrus trees um I do and you can
see it looks happy so I’m just going to
keep doing
that works working for us so I know we
have another big bunch of bananas over
here oh you know what I think this is
the Raja purri I said another one was
but that I think I think this is the
Raja Pur yeah
um I had a marker we had markers on them
all but you can see I I just did a chop
and drop I just added some chop and drop
to a lot of the bananas here here’s some
more that I did right here and I’ll do
that with that uh that one banana that
we just harvested um the plant will be
Cho and dropped yeah but nothing we even
put the peels back on yeah we could do
more this is kind of the back side of
the house here um I I could clean this
up I should probably clean this up a
little bit better um and add more food
to this area this is kind of the last
place that we’ve gotten to so it’s the
dog yard it it is the dog yard it is all
right uh I know we have a couple more
things up front I do want to look at the
Monera at least so let’s go look at that
all right Teddy is standing in front of
our cocoa plum bushes right here you can
see for whatever reason the leaf cutter
bees love this plant yeah um cocoa plums
they have um they they put off a big
round fruit they get like dark purple
yes um they have a big pit yeah and they
a little latex SE no not the cocoa plum
or no that’s that’s the Nal Plum yeah
the cocoa plum has a big pit they’re not
my favorite um they’re all right my wife
really likes them for some reason um
they’re not my favorite it’s like I
don’t like milk and I don’t feel like
this kind of reminds me of milk the
cocoa plum yeah I don’t know why but um
the Nal plums though I have some planted
over here those are just delicious uh
we’ll walk over there and and show them
to you in just a minute we’ll just uh go
around these beds here you can see like
Teddy said earlier we line the beds with
coconuts and some of them Sprout for us
so these coconut all these sprouted
coconuts are going to have to be moved
we’ll either give them away or we will
break them open and eat the queen bread
that’s inside um if you’re not familiar
with what that is um right before or
right as the coconut palm is sprouting
um the inside of the coconut there’s
usually water and you know the white
coconut meat in there but um right as it
sprouts uh the inside the coconut forms
like a white sponge yeah um and there’s
if you’ve ever seen like so it’s usually
the color of like I’ve found a pink
little Sprout use pink Queen Sprout yeah
it can be white to pinkish um but it’s
kind of a spongy ball that forms on the
inside of the coconut and they call it
Queens bread on the islands and you can
eat it it’s real good it has some of
them have a sweet taste and some of them
have kind of a salty taste it’s really
good though but it is real good um so
we’ll either give away these sprouted
coconuts for uh friends and neighbors to
plant or we will harvest the queen bread
cuz you can see we have quite a lot of
sprouted coconuts these are King
coconuts oh that is I might save that
one yeah look at the leav yep so what
he’s talking about is you see the yellow
um this one’s kind of yellowish compared
to the green ones over there it is a
different kind of
coconut and we got some more ornamentals
planted in here we got sorry I got an
old sailboat back there and then we have
some of our cages left over from um we
uh Farm oysters and clams for the
restore our Shores foundation in The
Bard County Zoo uh to help improve the
water quality of the Indian River behind
our house and we those are just leftover
cages from last season we need to give
them back
still careful there bud this is the Nal
Plum and it has a flower yep so it does
this is flowered for me several times
and I have yet to get fruit on it I
think it’s because it just is a little
too sh 0 this is like a plant that I
believe is from Africa and is loves full
sun full full sun we made an exception
for it it has spikes yes we did make an
exception this is the only plant when we
moved in I got rid of all the uh
buganvilia and everything cuz it all had
spikes and we walk around Barefoot all
the time um and you know so if you prune
it and you don’t pick up the the cuting
uh it they’ll get you but I did make an
exception for this plant it’s the one
spiky plant I have because I just love
the fruit love it so much so and we kind
of have a little walkway going through
here of more tropical ornamentals um we
got another bed over here
too just various tea plants verm milads
song of India air clamps um yeah we got
uh a couple varieties of here’s a yucka
here and a kind of like a variegated
corn plant and then yes this is um our
little my wife’s little airplant uh tree
you can see we got an orchid that’s
flowering right
now and we’ve also found that bermad do
uh perfectly well in cabbage BMS I
popped a couple bmad in um this one
here these bmad have been in here for
over a year when we run out of place put
them on the ground we just take them up
yeah we don’t have much food up here um
this is kind of we have kind of a
natural BM in our yard I actually think
it’s a shell Mitten a Native American
shell mid but um we haven’t planted a
lot of food on it it’s it’s we have the
BM and then we have all these cabbage
bombs uh for privacy from the road yeah
can you believe that this a water sucker
put off bananas yes so this is a water
sucker um you know I’m sure you’ve heard
that a water sucker will never give you
fruit and this this water sucker has
been in the ground for quite some time
four years and it finally yeah and it
put off a little
teeny Y and gave us a couple little
bananas that never amount to anything
yeah I don’t care
well it’s like a football yeah spiky
football all right um all right we got a
couple more things over here I don’t
think there’s anything worth showing
maybe this one mango tree here I have no
clue what this is Teddy and I found this
on the side of the road someone had just
ripped it out of their yard it was bar
roote on the side of the road we planted
it and last year it gave us three very
good late season mangoes um they were
like gelatinous I’ve never had a mango
with that kind of texture before but
they were real good so I’m hoping we
don’t have any flowers yet but I’m
hoping this year we might get some we’ll
see all right let’s go to the monstera
we got to show the monstera off before
before we end the video all right we
almost made it to the monstera but we
got to this Agave here we just had to
show this we actually found this plant
on the side of the road can you believe
that and it looked it looked almost just
like this it was a little squashed but
when we put it in this spot it kind of
just popped back this is its original
leaves this is yeah these are and look
they’re like re they refilled yeah yeah
and you can see this thing is so
prolific look at all of these little
pups that it shot off so many of them
and I’ve even I’ve moved some around in
the yard and I even have some potted up
over here that are doing good too my
little potting area
here let’s see where are they here they
are right here look how good these are
doing and I mean these plant these this
Agave that size in a nursery is I mean
yeah you’re approaching $200 probably so
all right cool all right all right no
more distractions let’s go find the
moner all right we did make it to the
monstera but before we get there I do
have to show this um this black thae
black banana here it’s a real rare
unique variety of banana it’s so cool
yeah and we just got this pup this year
on stoked we also have the SAA
apparently it’ll get 30 ft tall as big
around as yeah I’m not sure it’ll get 30
ft tall it’ll definitely I mean look at
it it’s already that top Leaf up there
is already almost I mean pushing 16
something feet tall and it’s it’s not
even ready to flower yet so that’s a
giant variety that’s why we have it here
where can just grow way up all right the
monstera I’ve been wanting to show this
the whole time because we have several
fruits on it where are
they there they are yes we have several
fruits on it in different stages well
they all look like they’re in the same
stage but this one is the oldest right
here it is this one’s starting to split
apart oh it is starting to split apart
yeah and so that’s how you can tell when
these are ready these like the scales on
them will start to se soften and
um and then you can Harvest uh yeah oh
yeah so some of these they this started
to flower almost a year ago probably 9
months ago maybe even more so uh it
takes quite a while for these fruits to
to mature I I mean I’m just so excited
I’ve we’ve never tried one before um
it’s not something you can get readily
in your grocery store cuz they take so
to so I’m stoked about that what are you
looking at over here this has fls oh yes
our strawberry tree does have flowers so
this is almost this this fruit’s almost
all year long but it takes a break for a
couple months in the winter um but you
can see it is starting to flower again
and there is even little fruits on it
now it’s real brittle yeah it is stuff
falls out of these cabbage palms and
lands on it and just snaps big branches
on it you’re right it is we had like a
raccoon fall on it once and snap the
tree in half
basically all right I think that’s
everything uh there’s a couple more beds
we didn’t show but it’s basically just
tropical ornamentals more tea plants
tras um verm milads stuff like that um
we we have this is like our one uh
plumia I mean um hibiscus here I’ve
killed all the other hibiscus on the
property this the one left that we have
this looks like it’s dying this is one
you can eat you can eat the flower on
this the uh the flower petals are
actually really
good and they make a a salad look pretty
too they have a little sweetness at the
very base like a um kind of like
honeysuckles yeah and you can even eat
the stem just don’t eat up to the nectar
that doesn’t taste the best gotcha I
think iguanas like to eat them we don’t
have iguanas we’re lucky yeah but all
right all right y’all if um you have any
questions or comments about any of the
plants we showed you in our Gardens here
today just post down below if you can
think of any plants um edible plants uh
that we don’t have growing that we
should oh we didn’t show the avocado
tree we do have some avocados we have a
big huge avocado tree back there and
it’s flowering right now um but if you
can think of any other plants that we
need to grow um maybe just post down
below till next time everybody out there
take care


  1. Have you eaten the root from your variegated cassava? I was told that it was not edible. Idk I couldn’t find any information about it online. Mines ready to harvest as well. Everything is looking good 👍 Thanks for sharing

  2. Such an epic yard guys. Your kid is going to grow up to be an expert in all areas of nature. Including climbing trees hahaha Yall doing a great job 👏🏼

  3. You have quite the collection! How often do you have to go through to trim and clean up the plants for new growth? I am just north of you, coastal Volusia Co, so I enjoy seeing what is able to thrive in our climate.

  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to do these videos! I absolutely love your garden tours and learn something new with each one. It's amazing how much Teddy knows!

  5. I noticed you have an elephant ear, also known as taro! You can harvest the root of it and boil it and eat it like a potato

  6. Such a beautiful space, you could use all that dried coconut to make your own coconut oil.. your son is so smart.

  7. Always blown away by Teddy. I love how he loves it too! Can’t for the life of my get my kid to participate with me 😂

  8. Wow Super support 👏
    Your son really enjoying the garden 😀
    Please do not climbing on Moranga, stems are not that strong. Take care 👍

  9. You home is so beautiful; I love the red brick! Where in Central Florida are you? Im looking for videos for people similar to my location near St. Pete.

  10. I love that you and your son share the same enthusiasm for all your plants! My dad used to try to involve me with gardening, and while I fought it at first, I eventually found love for it. 😅 Now we share it in common, and we buy each other fruit trees 🌳 🍊 🍋

  11. I love your plants! My banana plants are struggling to fruit due to the cold season. Where is zone 10a? I'm also from FLORIDA. I pruned my moringa trees last winter that's why they are now bushy.

  12. Try putting a piece of rotting fruit or fruit scrap under the sugar apple to encourage flies for pollination. The flowers are too small for bees to pollinate.

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