@Garden Answer

Garden Answer: Planting Potatoes & A Bunch of Groundcovers! 🥔🌿😁 // Garden Answer


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Garden Answer
680 SE 13th St
Ontario, Oregon 97914


  1. Would any of the ground cover plants be appropriate to plant between irregular shaped flagstone pavers? We are in need of something that will tolerate shade to Sun and fit between spaces that vary between 2 inches and about 5 inches.
    Zone 7

  2. I planted Ajuga…it is now EVERYWHERE! In the lawn in my garden beds and across the lane from me. 1 little piece caught on a lawn mower or rake can spread and take. Careful peeps.

  3. Haha! I was literally thinking of ground cover just last night. I’ve started in one corner of my yard and am working out from there. I live by a lake so the amount of weeds are endless and overwhelming (lots of birds dropping whatever seeds they see fit-thanks birds!). Then there’s the clay. Not even going to call it clay soil lol. But since I don’t plan on moving anytime soon, I’ll fight the good fight 😂. Thanks for the video! Would love some more ground cover schooling to best fight weeds and the hot summer sun as you add more to your garden too! 😊

  4. You guys are such an inspiration to me! Glad to hear you don’t hill your potatoes. I’m not hilling mine this year. Also, Question for Aaron…how do you keep your garden beds so perfectly edged?

  5. I love the ground covered that Samantha selected. I can see a pattern emerging with her plant choices — anything with flowers, especially pink! 🌸🌸🌸🌸

  6. Do you ever feel guilty talking about all the crops you plant (like the thousands of pounds of potatoes that u no longer need) when people are starving in your country? Since you have the space time and money shouldn’t you grow it and donate it to people who have no food?

  7. The potato farmers where I live in Southwestern Ontario Canada all plant their potatoes in hills. I don’t know if this is because of the machines they use.

  8. Great video. It reminded me that I need to put ground coverage in my flower beds. The potatoe planting was a good refresher. Thank you for all that you do Laura and Erin.

  9. Love the ground covers. I was hoping you would plant Samantha’s choices out by the pond. When you were talking about them that is where I imagined them. Of course they are needed everywhere and I know you have a plan for the pond area. Thanks again for your inspiration.

  10. When we planted potatoes when I was at home and still do when we come we will put sulfur on them and you can play on the same day and never do fine

  11. Love potatoes 🍟diced up with egg & sweet peppers in breakfast wraps, or like hash browns. Isn't nice to have some grown from your soil? Found out Canada has good potato production from Prince Edward Island…Russet Burbank, Goldrush, Superior, Yukon Gold, Red Norland. Warm summers, cold winters, good rainfall, and they feel the iron in red soil helps too.

    Good with gravy too over caramelized onions, sausage kielbasa, bangers & mash.

    I loved mashed potatoes made with a potato ricer
    – except kind of small capacity
    …feel getting a food mill is better & can make tomato soup, jam from berries too. Home crops, tasty.

    Have to say best is heating up frozen crinkle fries in microwave and then crisping in oven under a high broiler. Quick crunchy fries.

  12. Happy Thursday, Laura! Love seeing the varieties of ground covers. Something my gardens need desperately, but I do not see them often in garden centers in my area. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gardens with us each day. Always inspiring and motivating. Love your channel and look forward to your videos each day.

  13. Just a lot of beautiful plants today. I agree with you on ground cover plants look so beautiful and they help the ground to.

  14. You are quite the modern day farmer, Food and flowers for beauty.What an amazing woman.
    Thank you for your knowledge And creativity. Everything is so beautiful. The oklahoma gardener

  15. Ground covers never worked for me. The weeds come up between them and the plants aggressively take over everything. They even come up through the grass and gravel. I have spent years trying to eradicate ajuga and other lovely but aggressive ground covers and I'm still at it to this day. I stay away from plants that create all this extra work for me.

  16. Love your videos and sweet family. Did you buy special “seed” potatoes or just use the ones you harvested last year for planting? Can one use store bought potatoes for planting?

  17. Samantha's already got the shopping bug! Won't be long til she's antiquing with you and your mom. ♥

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