Rare Houseplants

Update on my NoID/Jungle Mint Monstera with new growth

In my last post there were a lot of people who were certain that my Monstera was an albo. As promised here is some new growth.

It produced a lot of all white leaves up until some of the more recent ones. I even messaged Barry Schwartz on Instagram once the seeds of uncertainty were planted.

by DataIxBeautiful

1 Comment

  1. EverIAce

    Its ok. A large portion of the people on this sub don’t know what they’re talking about in regards to the high end, rare stuff. I could tell it was a mint from its first 2 leaves lol. I just think they don’t like seeing people spend tons of money on things unattainable for them so everything truly rare turns into “I can get a similar looking one for $50″~

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