
They’re too close right? Should I move them a bit to give them more space?

They’re too close right? Should I move them a bit to give them more space?

by Dry-Ad-3253


  1. Grayme4

    They look great. I wouldn’t move them, but if I HAD to it would be in the autumn when they’ve made themselves ready for their winter nap

  2. ScatterplotDog

    They’ll spread where they want to go. No need to fuss with them.

  3. Grayme4

    I wouldn’t say they’re dying. This a bulbous plant, so lots of energy stored to enable the to produce these flowers. As they flower, they’re recharging the bulb from the leaves. Not uncommon for the bottom leaves to start dying off, if it’s starting from the bottom usually not an issue.
    As soon as they have dropped their last petal, snap off the seeds heads ( leave any leaves) these will slowly die back too and around autumn ( depending where you are) they will disappear completely and reappear in the spring summer.

  4. Agile-Advocate

    Just be lucky you don’t have red Lilly Beatles

  5. Striking_Fun_6379

    They will multiple over the years. At some point, you can dig them up, separate them, and then replant.

  6. GloomyMoonFlower

    They are so vibrant! Very pretty. I just discovered some I threw in a random spot in the yard two years ago lol. I have no idea what color they are but I can tell they are lilies bc of the greenery. I can’t wait to see what they bloom into lol.

  7. Ok_Celebration8134

    Nah. Just buy more and surround them

  8. nondescript_coyote

    Nah. Those are fine. In a couple years if theyare too dense you can divide them but these are not a problem. A lot of people including me plant them this way on purpose. 

  9. Justadropinthesea

    Wait until they go dormant before dividing. Don’t try to do it now!!

  10. hillsb1

    Don’t worry, they’re fine. Nothing can get rid of these lol. They’re sure pretty though!

  11. Physical-Job46

    I’ve found lilys are pretty tolerant to it, so are daffodils. Irises not so much. You can dig out and separate every few years – spread them out or sell them – I recently sold 100 bulbs for $100 on marketplace 🤑🤑

  12. NotTheGreenestThumb

    New here, are those day lilies?

  13. I have the same (from Home Depot). They died completely last winter and came back this spring. Once they die in autumn, you can dig up the bulbs and plant them apart if you want. This spring, one of the shoots got broken accidentally, and now I see smaller shoots coming up from that stalk. This thing doesn’t die. Lilies forever!

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