Gardening Supplies

THE VEGGIE GARDEN: Harvesting a bucketload of organic goodness in five minutes

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The simple things in life are often the best…like a handful of organic carrots or pulling up the biggest beetroot you have EVER SEEN! I really only want to share my enthusiasm to inspire YOU to get YOUR hands dirty!

I`m enjoying this new series of Weedy`s Garden Walkabout where I am just wandering around the garden from top to bottom sharing all I have learnt these last four seasons…Inspired by my lessons in Permaculture. I hope you enjoy it too. Plenty of tips and tricks and funny little moments.

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Love and photon particles


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before I take you up into the vegetable
garden I just want to show you what’s
going on with this little pomegranate
here see something’s been eating it so
I’m going to put up a camera and I’m
going to put it just here so I can catch
that animal whatever it is and we’ll
photograph it and see what it is so we
can find out what’s eating or
pomegranate this is a little little
motion sensored camera from
Keen I’m not sponsored by Keen or
anything like that but if you want to
know what it is it’s called a keen all
righty so just place that like
that so whatever lands in front of here
and starts munching away at the pom of
granite we get it on camera action put
it out here in the sunshine so it can
get the Sun so it gets charged point it
up to the sky there we go I might just
take away the other
pomegranates and uh oh there’s another
one down there o that one looks like
it’s really rip and ready and that one
there has been munched already so you
can see it’s almost
Hollow I’ll take this
one there so at least I salvaged five I
can take them up to the kitchen now and
put them in a salad I really like
pomegranate that’s why I got it growing
here in the rer garden so if the camera
captures whatever’s eaten that we’ll see
it at the end of this video and I’m
going to go and put these up in the shed
but then I’m oh I’m looking at my mango
tree and I’m thinking I might even
Harvest them but there’s so many oh
bucket that’s all I need to harvest my
mangoes so why not do that so I will I’m
been waiting and waiting oh look at that
oh oh did you see that just popped off
right in my hand means they’re ready and
a little bit of advice for those people
that are picking lots of mangoes what
you got to do is watch out for the sap
cuz if you get the sap in your eyes it’s
going to sting your eyes and some people
with sensitive skin it’s going to make
your skin itchy so just when you do it
just flick them away from you see break
them away from you then they don’t spray
ooh nice one I’ll get you to see how
easy they are the tree going oh that’s a
load off my shoulders I’ll fill this
bucket up there three 4
8 9 9
12 13 and then
16 oh last mango thank you mango tree
17 it’s just got a lovely smell that’s
pretty impressive from this little mango
tree that’s only 5 years old it’s first
year of producing mangoes and it gave me
mangoes very nice thank
you so five pomegranates and 1 mango so
far oh what’s that oh no the culprit is
in the Fig Tree now we don’t want it in
the Fig Tree
look that could be what’s eating my
pomegranate guys I might have to harvest
my figs now before we go any
further I don’t know if we’ll be able to
get out of the Food Forest on this
episode but I’m glad I saw that King
parrot there cuz I think it’s looking at
my figs
because my figs are pretty close to
being harvesting now oh look look like
that’s where it’s already found one
that’s nice and ripe in there see this
one is almost ready to pick as well like
other fruits figs do not ripen after
they’re been picked so if they’re hard
and green you got to leave them on the
tree and because the king parents found
them he doesn’t mind but they’re a bit
hard but when I like them they got to be
soft so I’m going to cover the tree up
with a net the knet that I got from the
mango tree I’m going to now put it on
this one we want it up over the top like
H over there that’s better see these
I’ve worked hard for these figs that
King parrot doesn’t work hard at all
he’s just seen it I know they’ve got the
GPS kind of tracker on where they know
there’s the annual fruits in the in the
area but I don’t know how they found
this new one you don’t want to give them
any because then they’ll say well come
back and get more but my Net’s not any
bigger than that
so that’ll have to scare them away for
now so I forgot my bucket was happy well
let’s go to the garden and never look at
the vegetable garden it’s getting
on so on my last video I mixed a bunch
of compost but I forgot to put my
comfrey in so today I’m going to put the
comfrey in the compost I really grow my
comfrey only for the compost and I know
it has beneficial
qualities so I’ve always got some if I
need it because It Gos back so quickly
you can see I harvested this one here on
this side a few weeks
ago so I just got besides my compost
pile so it’s nice and close I also got
plenty down in the swales as well and
you chop it right back to the bottom
here and it’ll just
re-shoot and com’s got a lot of trace
and a lot of really good things for the
plant’s Roots when it wants to start
growing and so comf is a really good
thing to having your compost or your
bacteria bruise or your worm farm I
might have to just strap this one back
here again see it’s important I keep
this fence up because it keeps the
Bandicoot out of the beds
here nice bit of comfy and that’ll get
mixed in when I turn it
okay moving
along I kind of feel like in the mood
for harvesting so I’m going to just
continue harvesting and this time I’m up
in my vegetable garden and I’ve been
eating from this beautiful produce all
summer long I’ve had cucumbers and I’ve
had carrots and beetroot and herbs and
spices and fruit but it’s time to clean
everything up because it’s getting
towards the end of the reason so I’m
just going to clean up my beds right
now and um harvest the rest of my
carrots all the vegetables that I got in
my vegetable garden this year actually
all come from this
tin that I got on the way to I’m going to harvest what I
haven’t harvested already and just clean
up this bed and weed it oh look at that
one that’s a white one huh it’s a white
carrot I don’t know what happened to
that moment that’s
interesting I like that
diversity look at this one it looks a
nice one I don’t chop and drop on the
vegetable garden because it just gets
too cluttered and there’s not enough
room to plant my seeds and it just looks
messy so I put all the stuff here up
onto the compost pile make it into
beautiful soil again everything that I
can eat from here I take and eat and
everything I don’t eat I put back in the
compost turn it back into soil and it
comes back in the garden so it’s this
continual cycle that’s all starting from
the Sun some more carrots that’s a nice
one but what I want to do is I want to
show you my beetro cuz I got I reckon
the world’s largest beetro growing here
in the weeder garden and it’s not in
this bed it’s in the other bed so I just
finish this bed
first got a few more things down the
front here that I can take this lettuce
I’m sick of looking at this I think the
chooks will like this lettuce so I’ll
just take some of this down to the
chickens okay yeah ch ch ch ch ch yeah
ch ch ch ch ch yeah ch ch ch here you
go oh I think I’ll take this cucumber
plant as
well cuz that’s already given us about a
bucket full of cucumbers and I’ve
pickled some had lots of
salads there’s another big one right
there look I just pop around the other
side and get
the last of the Cucumbers as well also
got these ones see one these ones are
all yucky and rotten they’re the perfect
ones to collect your seeds for next year
cuz then they’re ready to go if you just
um put them in a little bit glass of
lemon juice for a couple hours and then
it’ll take that slimy coat off them you
do that with tomato seeds as well so and
just uh then rinse the lemon juice off
them let them dry out on a bit of tissue
paper and then put them in an envelope
so that’s how they should be more or
less when you collect the seeds but
right these ones I got plenty of
cucumber seeds so they’re going in the
compost and these ones um I think I’ll
put in the bucket with my mangoes and my
pomegranates and I’m sure there’s going
to be more things here in the garden I
got carrots I wash them but the beetroot
I’ll show you the beetroot as
well one beetroot two beetroot three
beetroot four that’s not a bad size
every seed I want to give its full
potential okay and so I don’t want to
plant a bunch of these really close to
each other cuz when they come out of the
ground they’re going to go oh jeez
there’s not a lot of room here just okay
I I’ll I’ll try and be here and fill up
the space I got but if you put them
nicely spaced apart and nothing close by
them then it gets big leaves and it
creates more photosynthesis it gets more
solar panels it creates more goodness
and you get the bigger vegetables so
that’s what I do remember crocodile
dunde said that’s not a beetro that’s a
beetroot see that’s a nice beetroot it’s
from another part of the garden over
there but it had plenty of space to
spread its wings and grow its leaves
that one had plenty plenty of room as
well and obviously had plenty of good
compost right there where it
was I know they don’t look so beautiful
but I can tell you they’re full of all
the goodness that you
need we got some
carrots and these ones I got from this
part of the garden they’re doing a lot
better so I’ll Chuck them in the bucket
oh that’s a nice little Harvest so just
put this up oh
look I can’t stop finding food to
harvest I’ll just have to grab these as
well nice little eggplants
here see how beautiful and shiny they
are look at that so eggplant you can eat
eggplant any size this little one here
is you could eat that if you wanted to
or the big one or you can even wait till
they get bigger it’s one of those yummy
fruits like zucchini you can kind of eat
it any size but um
I think time’s up with this video I
didn’t get much into the vegetable
garden telling you much about the
vegetable garden but there’s plenty of
time so I’ll see you on the next video
so that’s it for this video everybody
I’m going to wrap it up here and I’ll
show you around the Garden on the next
video I’ll take this down to Mrs wedy
now and see what she reckons I reckon
she’s going to be overjoyed with all
these mangoes cuz we both love
mangoes so wasn’t a lot to learn on this
video except that if you want to have a
good life you can’t create it yourself
okay so have a have a nice day everybody
and I’ll catch you on the next


  1. Use nets and fences to claim pieces of nature for yourself. The animals that used to eat there can go fk themselves.

  2. Awesome beetroot. You'd have to make a huge burger to fit a good slice of that one!
    Is your pomegranate tree the same age as the mango? We've got a few pomegranate trees that are 5 or 6 years old and have only had a few tiny, dry fruit on them.

  3. Great video so jealous of how green it is there. I live in arid country we dont get much rain. Anyway just wanted to let you know what i do with my figs. I got some curtain netting cut some square's sewed 3 sides then put it over each fig then put peg to stop them falling of. Birds dont touch them. I find big netting can get messy fly away in the wind and birds can get under neath .

  4. I just love your garden I live like that grated green mango with lemon is a great salad comfrey is a great straight on garden we give to the earth it gives back .

  5. A friend recommended a video of yours and I am now enjoying watching more of your videos! Such a relaxed, educated, wholesome, pleasant delivery of videos. I appreciate you!

  6. Hi Mr. Weedy- have you heard of Tera Petra Soil? It was created by the tribes in the Amazon forest. It’s amazing stuff, groups of scientists have tested soils from all over the world and found that the Tera Petra soil was the most fertile soil on earth. It can be replicated too. It’s worth checking out. Happy garden!

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