Container Gardening

Move them?

So we finally got another elevated planter bed and I’m wondering if I should move some of these out of here to give them more space?

by boolituhknee


  1. dbergman23

    I’d say they’re too big to move now, so see what happens. You’re going to need to fertilize a bit more than normal as there isnt as much ground space to allow natural growth and root production.

  2. ItsAtheris

    Honestly at this point if I were you I would let them go and see where it goes! The squashes may compete for space but I think (!) so long as there’s enough airflow by the bottom you’ll be okay. See what happens!

  3. lovelyladi17

    At this point I would “sacrifice” one of the broccolis or you can try to relocate one of them but you run the risk of damaging the roots of the “good” broccoli that will be staying behind. I recommend leaving the front one. I would also remove that celery behind the cauliflower and just eat it instead of trying to replant that one. The other celery left behind will have enough space to grow as well as the cauliflower and broccoli. You might get smaller heads but that’s ok. I would also remove the cucumber next to whichever broccoli ends up staying. Recommend remove that back broccoli and remove the front cucumber. The cucumber you leave can hang down the edge of the planter or get a tomato cage to try and trellis it up. Fertilize with fish emulsion for this type of situation.

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