Garden Plans

GARDEN TOUR: Spring 2024 No-Till Garden Update & Plans

Taking a walk through the garden today to see what’s poppin up and what we have planned!

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hey welcome back to metto Green Farm
it’s a beautiful spring day we’re up in
the garden we’re getting ready to put
some roll covers on our potatoes and our
broccoli but as you can see already
we’ve started planting some for the
season so I’ll take you for a quick walk
around and show you what we got going on
over here is where we grow our corn
every year and this year we’ve decided
to expand and we’re trying to get double
the Harvest so we already get two crops
per season and we’ve had some friends
and family that are interested in sweet
corn so we know it’s going to sell
really well at the Farm Stand so far
we’ve just pulled back um The Mulch that
was in this walkway and then I’m going
to broadfork it loosen the soil add some
compost and level this all out but this
hairy vetch over here it almost looks
like I planted this as a cover crop but
I didn’t um nature kind of took over and
it started growing and I figured you
know what it’s a nitrogen fixer it’s
good for the soil so I’m just going to
mix it into the soil and add compost on
top over here in this row is where I
planted red onions
um they’re not coming up yet cuz I’ve
only planted them two days ago but my
plan is to companion plant um zucchini
and summer squash in here with the red
onions now I already have some onions
growing in a row down here you’ll see um
but those are white and yellow onions
which are really good for storage and
we’ve done really well with them but I
wanted some red onions for fresh eating
in the end of the summer when we’re
grilling and all that so this row um is
potato Poes this is rette potatoes and
kbec white potatoes in this row and this
is where we’re going to put the row
cover on um we have a real flea Beetle
problem so we found that row covers are
definitely worth it over here um is
where I’ve
planted snap peas so we have a lot of
peas coming up I also have planted some
uh red Mero lettuce in
front and then and further down is some
salad sensation spinach that’s coming up
and then on the other side I have
lettuce this is um Capitan
lettuce and it’s germinated really well
I was looking to see which side would do
better whether uh in front of the peas
or behind them and so far in front is
winning because all the lettuce seeds I
planted in front of the peas have
germinated and are growing very well
in this next row is broccoli so this is
the green magic broccoli that I planted
we’ve grown this green magic broccoli
for a few years now and we’ve gotten
excellent Harvest and we really like it
it produces really large like 6 to 8 in
wide heads and then you get the side
shoots also so again I use the cloes and
um I can show you they’re starting to
come up
they don’t quite have their true leaves
yet but they are all starting to come up
and I had pretty good germination rate
there’s only I think two spots that
didn’t have anything coming up but I
will just transplant some in there to
fill the
row and we put row covers on this row
also because um the flea beetles really
like broccoli and it helps with the
Cabbage Moth and their worms so but down
here I um in front of the broccoli I
planted some Detroit dark red
beets I’ve grown these for a couple
years too they’re really good for
pickling and we do have a pickling beets
video out there if you want to watch
that it’s pretty fun I really like the
pickled beets and I had never tried them
before um this row is the onions that I
was talking about so oh there’s a little
Cula here that’s blooming too but these
are all the white onions and yellow
onions and I planted them in the fall
and I like to do that and over winter
them that way I have a early summer
Harvest rather than a such a late season
harvest the rest of this row is garlic
and I had such an excellent Harvest of
garlic last year that I just now like
what two or 3 days ago I said oh no I’m
out of garlic and I had to actually buy
some so it lasted a long time so this
year I doubled what I planted so that I
don’t run out and garlic seems to store
really well in our cold drum so I’m
really happy about that and excited to
have an excellent garlic Harvest again
they’re doing really well they
overwintered really well too
so should be
good the only other thing in the garden
right now is the strawberries and they
are doing very well and they are
flowering and they are ready for spring
and we are ready for an excellent
Harvest so we’ve also noticed that
strawberries sell really well around
here and we always have people asking
and looking for strawberries so we did
expand our one row of strawberries has
now become two rows so I am getting
ready to be picking strawberries and
hopefully Jacob will help because it is
once they are ripe it’s like you need to
pick them every single day and and most
of them end up being stored or sold but
a lot of them end up in our mouths but I
just love the flowers on these
strawberries as you can see at the
bottom of the screen we have some
asparagus that’s coming up also we
planted it a couple years ago and it’s
been doing really well getting ready to
go pick some it looks like it’s ready
and then also in between the fruit trees
we have where Jacob is starting his cut
flower garden he he’s decided to plant
cut flowers in between all of the fruit
trees in the Orchard and he wants to
sell them down at the farm stand this
year as you can see there’s not really
too much going on in the garden right
now cuz it is early spring still but we
have a lot more planned and there’s
going to be a lot more going on really
soon so stay tuned stay tuned I
shouldn’t say that as you can see
there’s really not too much going on in
the garden right now cuz it is still
early spring but we have a lot more
planned and it’s going to be exciting so
stay tuned for that but right now we
need to get to work and get these row
covers on these
get it Gabby I got
it don’t make me
loud I’m going to drop it we folded them
up really nicely so this is going to be
fold super
yeah yeah there you P up yeah I folded
them just like I fold fitted sheets
yeah yeah you go because it’s not worth
the battle
yeah we just need something right
thanks it’s nice that it’s like so super
windy while we’re doing
this yeah works out
great beautiful yeah that one came out
awesome I actually started in the middle
yeah and work we slack out to the end
well we got those row covers on our
potatoes and our broccoli so those will
protect them from pest next they’ll be
up in the garden I just have carrots for
a cool seasoned crop left to plant and
then we can move on to warm seasoned
crops like the tomatoes and peppers and
beans and everything else so that’s
going to be it for today’s video really
appreciate you coming along with us and
watching if you like this video hit the
like button and please consider
subscribing to our Channel until then
have a great day


  1. Can’t wait to see the garden grow! I am thinking about growing strawberries this year as well! That rock looked heavy lol!

  2. I love planting garlic! It always makes me look like I know what I'm doing when the truth is they are so self-sufficient, it's ridiculous. I wish I had better luck with fall onion plantings than I have had in the past. Spring ones, great, fall, not so much. Do you row cover them over winter?

  3. Que linda a sua horta! Eu cuido de uma horta orgânica e achei interessante a cobertura que você faz entre os canteiros. Gostei das garrafas pet cortadas para proteger as mudas. Hoje eu faço os canteiros com a largura de até 40 cm. Já sou mais um inscrito e vou aprender bastante coisas com você. Parabéns! (João Bosco – Minas Gerais – Brasil 🇧🇷)

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