
Made a bed from a standing dead pine tree instead of Hügelkultur right away

Made a bed from a standing dead pine tree instead of Hügelkultur right away

by FliesLikeABrick


  1. FliesLikeABrick

    We had a 50ft pine tree standing dead in the back woods, which eventually snapped below ground and started leaning against a nearby tree. We pulled it down with the tractor, cut it into 3-4ft lengths, thought we were going to use it for Hügelkultur. Instead we made a new raised bed for asparagus this year. The bottom layer of logs are round, the top layer were cut in half on our bandsaw to stack them on and get a bit more height/depth

    We know it will eventually rot, so instead of any metal fasteners in the corners we used scrap pieces of hard wood to pin it together just enough to hold shape. In the future when it breaks down more, we can pull the wood away and leave the mound of dirt with asparagus, and then the wood can be filler in a new bed — or if the asparagus doesn’t do well here, we can pile this all back up as Hügelkultur

  2. Saint_of_Stinkers

    I have a small Cedar tree that died. I am now cutting it up into sticks and mulch which I plan to use in the bottom of some planters. It was after reading about this type of garden plan that I decided to try recycling the tree this way. I have no actual ground to plant on, just concrete decks. So this is as organic as I can do.

  3. SmokeyB3AR

    Nice! I have a few monster trees dead and leaning in need of a nice strong wind.

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