
What’s going on with my spinach sprouts? They don’t look healthy and have looked like this for about 2 weeks. Any ideas?

What’s going on with my spinach sprouts? They don’t look healthy and have looked like this for about 2 weeks. Any ideas?

by TheHottestEmber


  1. Jbozzarelli

    Not enough light, not enough water, wrong temperature…perhaps all three. Hard to tell with the info available.

  2. IntroductionFit4364

    Your soil looks very dry. I feel like that container is quite big for the small babies at the moment. I usually see seeds started in these 4×4 ish containers and then moved when they’re more established. Anyway soil looks very dry I’d try to water them and put them near a good light source and see if they spring back.

  3. Getoffmylawn8787

    They are leggy because the height of the container is blocking various angles they can get light, so they’re overcompensating trying to grow upward. Try some aluminum foil on the edges of the container next time so it reflects the light they get at different angles in the container — but these seedlings might be goners, might just need to start over with them.

  4. FreakdesFleurs

    Probably too warm inside for sprouting spinach. It grows too fast. I sprout them under ‘cold glass’, is how we call it. So outside in an unheated greenhouse. But I don’t know your climate.

  5. Davisaurus_

    Definitely lack of light. You might think being in a window provides light, but not enough for most plants, certainly not spinach.

  6. Dangerous_Bass309

    Looks dry and not enough light they’re pale and leggy

  7. Zealousideal_Run_263

    They are indoors. Spinach like the cold. Get them outside into real sunlight, those are super leggy. Can’t remember but they might also do a lot better when directly sown and not transplanted.

  8. Steelpapercranes

    Definitely light. It’s surprising for your first time, but being by a window is no substitute. I also dislike peat as a starter, although that’s unpopular. I’d fill it all the way to the rim or, frankly, direct sow; spinach isn’t just frost-tolerant. It’s freeze tolerant. No real reason to transplant.

  9. Albert14Pounds

    I think this may be confusion over what is direct sunlight. You can’t have direct sunlight all day through a window because the angle moves. I think you mean they’re getting strong indirect light?

    I agree that they look like they are stretching for light. Unless you’re really confident they are getting more than enough light I would consider supplemental light all day and maybe move it closer depending on how strong it is.

  10. SnooGuavas6192

    Light, they look spindly. Remember its more easy to over water than it is to over water. Does your window have full sunlight for +6 hours?

  11. Wstjean

    What have you been feeding those poor little plants ? That growing media had no nutritional value for your plants. What’s In it ? Just peat coco ?

  12. Haunting_Meeting_225

    It’s light…they need more light. There is no other issue. Supplement light from above and this will not happen.

  13. cappadawna

    Maybe not plant them in powdered brownie mix?

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