
Any advise on a replacement rooster?

Rooster started started attacking my wife and I the last couple of weeks. Hit her once and drew blood through her jeans. He's come at me a few times and today was the last straw. Carrying a bag of feed when he hit me. So he got the ax.

Wife is pretty upset even though we both read there isn't much chance to rehab. She wanted chick's this summer.

Can I bring in a replacement rooster? Suggestions for breed?

by TwoStoryLife


  1. Mountainlivin78

    I despise a flogging rooster, lets put him in a pot

  2. E0H1PPU5

    Roosters are always a mixed bag. People will generalize that one breed is better than the other…I’ve never really found any truth to it.

    I like a good, mean rooster though. I know most people don’t, but that’s what I have them for lol.

    My roo is such an asshole that I still bring a walking stick with me out to the hen house, but him and his girls free range on 14 acres and he’s never lost a single one of them…so I cope with it!

  3. Violet_Gardner_Art

    Yup I’m all for them being protective but if they’re too dumb to recognize the hand that feeds them, then they’ll be feeding the hand.

  4. captcha_trampstamp

    What breeds do you have now for hens? Buff Orpingtons are really nice, as are Black Australorps. I rarely have issues with the heavier breed roosters, but if you live somewhere hot that might not be a good option since they can overheat.

    Lots of folks are getting rid of young roosters now that they’re growing out any straight run chicks they bought, so you can probably get one for free if you post a “wanted” ad.

  5. OldGreg0

    Too late. The rooster has now established dominance over you. It’s up to the rooster if it replaces you or not. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.

  6. Armyballer

    If you’re in North Alabama I got a Easter Egger roo you can have. He’s bout 2 yrs old, a really good rooster but I just got a new Maran roo. He didn’t attack humans by the way but he will wreak a hawk up in a flash.

  7. showmeyertitties

    Keep him around! I like the defenders. Some roosters are assholes, but if a dog or something comes, they’ll fight or be cannon fodder long enough for everyone to escape.

  8. 8six7five3ohnyeeeine

    We pretty much always have a rooster in rotation. We let broody hens hatch a few every spring and inevitably a roo ends up in the mix. If you time it right they are reaching maturity right around the time that your teenager is becoming an asshole.

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