
Would you add anything? Sand, horse hair algae, some snails, and small leaf scraps.

Would you add anything? Sand, horse hair algae, some snails, and small leaf scraps.

by herbalspurtle

1 Comment

  1. BitchBass

    That depends what your goal is.

    If all you want is some algae growing in your jar, it might get a bit tricky to keep it alive without triggering a bloom and ending up with green soup. But from the looks of it it’s already going white and is dying.

    This algae lives off “too much” light and too much iron and/or phosphates in the water, but there are also other triggers. During the day, hair algae undergoes photosynthesis much like other plants, introducing oxygen bubbles into the algae mass, causing it to float to the surface.

    At night, hair algae undergoes respiration, which consumes oxygen, typically more than it produces during the daytime, and produces carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

    Having it in with other plants, it will wrap itself around those plants and slowly suffocate them.

    If you want a clear and healthy jar, remove the algae and add a real aquatic plant, best from a fish tank.

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