
What is this?

This popped up in my garden bed and having a hard time identifying. Wasn't there this morning that I can recall, but when I went out this eve they were there! Very teeny tiny white beads/balls on top of soil. No fuzz, seem to be semi-opaque in color. When squished they have an almost slimy consistently, smell between benign and almost like bleach (hard to describe). I have two raised garden beds in both with proper drainage, only showed up in one box so far. The gardenbox it showed up in was finished building last month and is in growing potatoes and lettuce, both were just planted two weeks ago. Is it fungi or pest eggs of some sort? Friend or foe, I just dont know. Tried to google, but no luck.

by Jaykwehlin


  1. beaubeach1977

    The pattern suggests snail eggs, but usually those would be from an aquatic snail. Is your garden near a pond?

  2. Background-Car9771

    Eggs of some kind. No idea what though!

  3. Cailsey_DreamyDarlin

    I’ve seen eggs like this before but could never figure out what they were!

  4. jst4wrk7617

    Sooo I make my own mulch partially by sifting my grass cuttings. Of course trash gets in there from time to time (I live in an area where people are terrible about littering- don’t get me started). I was convinced these were shredded styrofoam from my lawn clippings. Didn’t even question it. Mind blown.

  5. Tiny_Parfait

    Not sure if snail eggs or slime mold, maybe try r/mycology

  6. The-Cursed-Gardener

    My bet is on slugs or snails. Their eggs are typically spherical and waxy looking. Also typically found in clusters.

    They love moist areas with lots of organic matter.

    They can be pretty terrible pests, I personally would remove them. If you plan on growing anything edible and actually having people eat it snails can be a huge problem.

  7. HorzaDonwraith

    Everyone is saying eggs. Me thinks it could be slime mold.

    Edit: they are definitely snail eggs or even slug eggs.

  8. MilkySeduct

    Appears to be taters/potatoes as the sign suggests. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  9. Trash-Panda1200

    Looks like the crap in freezer packs

  10. theonetrueelhigh

    It appears to be a small plastic sign announcing that you have arrived on the Taters homestead.

  11. Life-Direction-9764

    Omg! It looks like snail eggs, but i have never seen so many “clusters” together, and they are usually buried

  12. BlownCamaro

    Looks like you accidently planted mashed taters.

  13. MountainCourage1304

    Taters? What is taters precious?

  14. SJSsarah

    It looks like tree scales, to me at least. Google’tree scales’.

  15. mpguidry

    Clearly it’s taters. It says on the label.

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