Vegetable Gardening

Garlic help!

I was given this pot of garlic but I don’t know what to do with it! Do I plant it as is (as a clump), or do I separate the shoots and plant in rows in my garden?

Thanks in advance!

by Necessary-Cut4846


  1. the-skazi

    That’s an unfortunate little pot of garlic, you may end up with many small heads.

    I would just leave it as is in the pot, you can’t really transplant garlic.

  2. Davekinney0u812

    Where approximately are you located? Do you have room to transplant them outside?

    I’m not well really versed in garlic, know a little and grow it casually. So, there is soft neck garlic which is typically grown in the south and hard neck garlic grown in the north. I’m around toronto so I grow hard neck which is a fall planting. As I understand, the winter freezing triggers something in the garlic that makes it form the large cloves.

    Hard to tell what those are or if they’ll form multiple cloves in the bulbs like traditional garlic. If they were mine I would carefully transplant them outside asap and hope. The worst I think would happen is you’d get just 1 large bulb in the fall. I’d eat some and try planting some this fall for next year. Also, there is some maintenance that needs to happen during the growing season.

    I like this guy for garlic

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