Container Gardening

Watering Mr Stacky Vertical garden on Hot days #containergardening #gardening #verticalfarming

I show the only why I have found to keep the Mr Stacky pots watered on hot days.

hello everybody this is Kim out in the
little Greenhouse today with Mr stacky
Garden we’ve been reaching in the high
80s getting up in the 80s now here in
Carolina I wanted to talk to you a
little bit about the watering
system because as it the temperature
gets higher like in the 80s we have to
increase the water cycles a little
bit and I’ll show you the timer that I
use to water this each stack of
containers I use here these These are
containers and you can see the tomatoes
are coming along
good and the other plants are coming
good got a little bit of everything
growing eggplant on top tomatoes
onions kale cabbage broccoli cauliflower
got a little bit of everything growing
in here as you can
see and this is my water system mix
everything in a 300 gallon tote cuz I
got a total of 26 stacks of pots in here
and every hour it comes on and Waters a
few minutes until water’s dripping to
the bottom and we’re trying to capture
as much as that water that drips to the
bottom as
possible and the reason we don’t want to
recirculate the system it just
complicates a little bit because every
few days you’re having the Tinker with
it and by not having a circulating
system you can set this and go go I mean
if you travel a lot and are not at home
you’ve got your water system set and
it’s watering and taking care of your
garden on and off doing everything for
you and you got to worry about weeding
because you got everything up in the
garden you see here got tomatoes and and
experimen with some beans growing up in
here too and cucumbers
growing I did a extra amount of tomatoes
because um I’m planning on sillings I
made is at the farmers market to help
recoup some of the cost of the
structure and as I get down the road I
may continue to do that and may
expand or I may do a lot more of
other props for myself and my family but
let’s get back here and look at this you
can see it each row has its own separate
system and anytime you use a tank system
you always want to what I call a relief
valve to a pump you don’t want to just
pump straight out with four whatever
amount of rows and and and putting a lot
of pressure on that pump you want to
have a
relief valve that feeds back to the tank
so that you can set so you got the exact
flow you need just to able to get those
last pots in the row to where they’re
dripping and you want to ex release that
excess pressure back into the tank and
this is the way I do it that way that
helps to extend the life of your pump by
having a relief Val there’s some
growing but here’s how I do it I have a
simple 24-hour timer that I picked up at
Lowe’s or Home Depot you can can find
them anywhere then I went on Amazon and
I found this little cycle timer here it
lets me set let’s get a turn where you
can see it
better there we go it lets me set amount
of time each cycle at the top so it’s
about two minutes and then down low it’s
about every 40 minutes when it was real
hot I had it down about every 35
minutes and I had it on about 2 minutes
but that timer sets what during what
times I want this Cycles to take
place and what I do
is um I have it knock on say about 9:00
in the morning and it starts those
cycles and it stops those Cycles say
about 6:00 or so or 7 it stops those
Cycles because there’s this lights done
and uh that’s what controls the pump
this is the only type of system I have
found to work the way it should you see
here you need to I put foam and
insulation around the tank and I buried
the tank halfway in the ground but I
need to do some TI I get that back
secure more Tighter and even my lead has
double foam with a piece of plywood to
help keep the nutrients
cooler than the atmosphere temperature
in the greenhouse you want to keep your
so when it doses The Roots it kind of
cools The Roots each time because you
don’t want your roots you plant to be
too hot that could be a
problem but I also included a strainer
in the line that’s another
add-on but so far it seems to be a
pretty good little system I’ve put
together here I’ve got the little fans
at the back
Cooling and that’s just to get a out of
the top and I’ll do some more videos on
that to go into more detail about
explaining why you a system like that is
more beneficial got some pretty good
size Tomatoes right here look at
that a lot of
blooms lot of blooms there you see some
onions and there’s some cucumber coming
along really packing the plants in this
kind of system with a vertical
garden each one of these rows is sp two
foot and there’s about let’s see one two
three four five six 7 foot in the center
aisle to give more
light and that’s how everything space
but you see see the
water but it’s been a good system thank
you for taking the time to watch and God
bless you and have a great day

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