
The old grotty space that we flipped into a garden in only 3 hours!!

If you’re looking for a sign to do that job that looks colossal, do it! It might turn out less of a job than you thought.. or more 😅

But seriously, I have a little happy space. Heading to get more wall planters and gravel on the weekend 😄

by Itswaypastmybedtimee


  1. Twinkletoes1951

    Looks fab. And grotty – first time I heard that was in A Hard Day’s Night. I use it myself.

  2. Bitter-Ad6968

    Those rocks are going to get annoying real fast. I would have just pressure washed it.

  3. dryland305

    You have transformed the space! It already looks like a serene place to spend some time.

  4. yaychristy

    This looks so cheerful! Just a question, because I see you painted the brick. Did you use a latex-based paint designed for masonry surfaces? Brick needs to breathe and you have to use special primer and paint on it to prevent it from deteriorating.

  5. Moveyourbloominass

    Nicely done Op! I like the planters and wall coloring. You can go crazy getting all kinds of potted plants, YAY! Also, you could even put out an outdoor rug down as well over the stones/gravel. I don’t know where you’re located, but by me Aldi’s has great outdoor rugs right now for dirt cheap. Enjoy your beautiful space 💜.

  6. Tee_Double_M

    I love a good before and after! This is so beautiful. Love the color you chose for the walls!

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