Vegetable Gardening

What would you put on this trellis?

Hello! I have this lean-to trellis set up in my community garden plot, but I’m a bit torn on what would fit on the leaning side of it. It’s made of bamboo, with the poles being about 6 feet long. So it’s roughly 6 feet wide, and roughly 5 feet tall with the angle it’s leaning. The “open” side faces east.

I originally planned on cucumbers, spaghetti squash, and sugar baby watermelon. But I’m torn if that will be too much between the watermelon and squash. Maybe I’ll do two cucumber vines, plus one or the other of squash/watermelon? What would you do?

Note: the tall side closest to the camera I currently have peas growing up, and the opposite side will have pole beans. Underneath is currently a variety of lettuce and celery will go down there soon. I intend for the vines to help shade them out and keep them cool when summer hits.

by KrimsonKate


  1. Impressive-Gas-8407

    There’s a chance that watermelon or squash might be too heavy,  but there’s no harm in trying. 

  2. MoonshineMaven

    Peas/beans for sure maybe cukes? Not sure that it would support the weight of anything heavier just off appearance but you could always try!

  3. NakedGardener252

    I’d do peas, beans, or just cucumbers. I agree with others that squash and watermelons may be too heavy.

    Under it you can do more shade tolerant things too since the leaves will add some protection!

  4. transmission612

    Beans, peas, cucumbers all seem like the right answer.

  5. Gourmetanniemack

    Yellow squash. Crookneck.
    Maybe cukes for pickles.

  6. UnluckyCardiologist9

    If you want to do cukes maybe try small one like alpha beits. The larger ones would probably be too heavy. Or peas/runner beans like everyone has suggested.

  7. BuffaloSabresWinger

    Pickles, cucumbers, peas, beans, edamame .

  8. the_perkolator

    Pole beans/peas/long beans, cucumbers, nasturtiums, chayote squash

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