
Echeveria Seeds Week 8

So picture 2 and picture 4 are doing great, however picture 3 is the once I posted about last week and the pink spots have gotten a lot worse as well as this weird black/green bubble thing that is also in my picture 5. Picture 5 however only has this one black/green bubble thing advice?

I know it’s very hot, we had a bit of a heat wave in Ireland and the temp has only been like this today

Cante – (pic 2) doing great, growing fastest

Pink Laui – (pic 3) lots of pink dots growing and black/ green bubble

Purpusorum white form – (pic 4) doing good

Strictiflora Nova- (pic 5) – doing good but has one weird black/green bubble thing seen in pic 6

Any help needed! 🙂

by Sorcha_AEN

1 Comment

  1. LuckystrikeFTW

    Is that really 42°C? Thats far too high for the delicate seedlings. They shouldnt be exposed to direct sunlight, even if they are covered, to prevent this.

    I have also seen some strange stuff growing in my seedlings and that is when I decided to remove the covers, however I do think yours still need to be under the covers and let humidity build up. What you might want to try is airing out every so often so the fungi or whatever they are slowly dies off.

    Maybe ask in different subreddits about if these orange/pink things are harmful for seedlings or not. For example /r/plantclinic or the main /r/succulents subreddit.

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