
Planted the ingredients for pasta sauce!!

Planted the ingredients for pasta sauce!!

by PrasseinAloga


  1. extremethrowawaybro

    You’re about to upset some gardeners and cooks in here with that

  2. KillAllLobsters

    I think your container is way too small for those three plants all together. One tomato plant alone can get pretty big.

  3. yesitsmenotyou

    Might want to consider moving the basil. The tomatoes will grow quickly and crowd it out, both in the roots and in the accessible light.

  4. cuttydiamond

    I’m not going to have them all in the same bed, but my goal this year was to grow everything I need to make salsa. Tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapenos, onions, cilantro, and garlic.

  5. naizaa567

    Where is the oregano and salt and pepper plant?

  6. CountFirst

    I grew my basil with tomato plants last year and they did so well. I swear they’re meant to grow together.

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