
Found this mass murderer at work today

Found this mass murderer at work today

by -Sugar-Pine-


  1. Firm-Rice-1507

    Holy Fāck! It’s deadly! RIP friend 🥃💨🛒🍔

  2. SuperannuatedAuntie

    What snake is it? I saw one in my brush pile.

  3. Background-Car9771

    Please send it and its larger friends to my house. I have some voles they can eat

  4. dumpydongle

    Ah a worm eating brown snake. Those guys are the cutest

  5. Beginning-Border-153

    Ummm…are you wearing some sort of weird mask…am I the only one weirded out by this pic?

  6. CynfulPrincess

    I loooove DeKay’s! They’re such cute little guys

  7. Accurate-Courage2711

    Seems this a non-venomous snake

  8. Umph0214

    What an absolute fiend. Thank you for your bravery, OP. The streets (garden beds) are safer because of your service 😂

  9. Love dekay’s brown snakes, there’s one I’ve disturbed a couple of times hiding around the yard, hope my gardening has improved his lifestyle.

  10. Drak_is_Right

    Careful with these. You don’t want to frighten them. If they decide to void themselves on you when picked up it royally stinks.

  11. Coal5law

    Send him my way. I’m dealing with mice again.

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