
5 am morning routine

5 am morning routine 🌞

Everything I use and explanations to things I used are explained on purpose YouTube videos and linked underneath them 👇

by fullmooonfarm


  1. MeloneFxcker

    Hello. Good vid again been keeping up with your YouTube channel I have another dumb question form a city lad

    Why do you separate the goats and kids? I would expect to leave them together where possible would make most sense but obviously not

  2. WSBKingMackerel

    What is that bright green tool/cup you use at the beginning and end of each?

  3. Correct_Yesterday007

    What was your journey to owning a farm? Did you work a normal job then buy land or something?

  4. Berserkyr0

    Oh im so jealous! Goat milk is delicious and so healthy

  5. Kit-grow

    As a farmer I love how fun and cute goats are but they are mayhem I find a well mannered jersey cow is so much easier and gives me way more milk and doesn’t try to escape constantly and eat my garden.

  6. Halfbaked9

    My dad had a couple of goats. They were the dumbest things. They would constantly get their horns stuck in the fence and wouldn’t be able to get out without help. Everyday they’d get stuck.

    With that being said if I had the money I’d get miniature fainting goats.

  7. CaptainCompost

    Holy crap those are some cooperative goats. In my limited experience, they love nothing more than to pee on you, in the milk, kick over the milk, wander off the platform, etc.

  8. Medium-Squash-8893

    She must live in the arctic circle for it to be that brightly lit at 5am

  9. Scientific-Whammy

    How long on average does this take each day?

  10. Redazzling

    You make urban life look so silly ! Sillier than it already is. I’m about to find your videos on YouTube and binge watch them.

  11. Lol that “hold door just a crack” move is one I know very well. When they know there’s food for milking they all line up like it’s Black Friday before Amazon 😂

  12. amoebashephard

    I just went and checked your herd out, looks like you have really got a good herd started, nice genetics.

    What’s your goal herd size/daily production?

    I think you’re really well positioned in that area in Maine.

  13. WokeLib420

    I wish I had a job that allowed me to homestead

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