@Epic Gardening

Epic Gardening: Giant asparagus

It’s been three years since we planted our asparagus patch, which is about the amount of time it takes for a patch to establish… and establish it did.

We’ve never seen a stalk this tall, easily over 24″ in length. Usually they get woody at the bottom at this point, but after cooking it up it ended up delicious!

A pro tip on harvesting asparagus: if you snap it off by bending it, it usually snaps off right at the part where it’s starting to get woody, leaving the less edible parts behind.


  1. For anyone wondering, this is not some freak of nature. Asparagus can grow to be like 6ft tall and 2ft in diameter

  2. I don't understand why everybody is so enamored of asparagus, It's a ditch weed. I remember my
    Mother always sending me out to pick asparagus from the ditch. I think asparagus taste disgusting

  3. No, you harvest the first anomaly to propagate its offspring. Of which turns into an unstoppable nightmare weed that takes over the world. THEN you can try it.

  4. I've actually seen this happen before, I've asked people who are way, WAY smarter about plants than I am (I'm a professional cannabis grower so my "expertise" ends at indicas, sativas, and funky hybrids thereof) and no one can tell me why my asparagus beds do what they do. About half of them look like the one in the video, and the other half are all really short but very very fat! The short ones are fine to eat and kind of reminds me of a cross between green beans and broccoli, but you have to pick them at the exact right moment. Even one day too long in the soil, and it's like trying to eat cooked #2 pencils.

  5. It blew my mind when no one ate the asparagus head first. My mom grew it in her garden for years and we wouldn't eat a stalk without the head until we were adults

  6. You do not harwest asparagus the first couple of years, you just let them grow and let them evolve underground.

  7. Mine are almost as big too, we had a mild winter, wonder if that’s why? Tastes great too, first thing I was able to eat out of the garden ❤❤

  8. How do you even get in to the kitchen to cook it. I'd eat it raw. When you garden in a community garden by the time you get there all your asparagus gets that tall. Peel the bottom to get past the fibery skin.

  9. speaking from experience, how you do cooked veggies is a world of difference between 'ugh gross' and 'this is so good, I want more'

  10. Youd freak out over my purple passion asparagus lol it can be up to 1 1/2 around and a foot tall lol but tendervand buttery/nutty flavored.
    My hubby makes sone pretty bad jokes over it lol. You know wanna know what the grandsons say lol. Ill have to take photos for ya 😅

  11. I love asparagus I just can't eat the stems because they are too stringy and I always end up choking on the string sitting halfway down my through

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