
please help me id my new plant

my aunt bought this pretty plant for me. she said she's never seen one (i haven't either) but i need help identifying so i know how to care for it. 🥹

by Background_Ordinary1


  1. Arachn0tr0n

    Looks like a variegated Heliconia psittacorum.

  2. I want an aunt like that! It looks like it’s Heliconia Variegated, didn’t it come with a label? It’s a beauty!

  3. Basic_Interview_7590

    Looks like a type of Calathea, I’m fairly certain

  4. april_showers3

    I’m not sure but that’s very beautiful. I love the stripes.

  5. pit_choun

    Looks like either a banana or a BOP ?? Either way it’s gorgeous 🥰

  6. Scary-Tomato-6722

    I love that!!! It’s beautiful 😍

  7. SunShineFLGrl22

    Interesting fact. This is a Chinese ginger plant. They grow so well here in Texas. But the markings look like the puzzle plants.

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